Viewing Results

The search results are automatically loaded when you click on Search from any of the search forms. You can view the records in various formats as well as refine your search by sorting records.

Types of Views

There are many different types of views. These are described in the table below:

Types of views


Tabular View

1. Displays vertical list of records in tabular form with Patent number, Appl. Date, Pub. Date, Normalized Assignee.


2. The tabular view layout has been enhanced to provide each access to the abstract, PDF and drawings. 

Compact View 

Displays the Title, Abstract and Coverage of the record and all the small icons in a dropdown list when viewing the results in Compact view format. 


Standard ViewDisplays parallel list of records in standard form with links to PDF, Drawings Mosaic, Legal status along with Patent number and Title, Abstract, APD (Application Date), PBD (Publication Date), EED (Expected Expiry Date), ASNN (Assignee Normalized) , CASN (Current Assignee), INV (Inventor), EPRD (Earliest Priority date), EPBD (Earliest Publication date), PRN (Priority Details), IC (International Classification ), CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification), UC (US Classification).
Standard + Ind Claims ViewDisplays parallel list of records in standard form with Independent Claims along with Patent number and Title, Abstract, APD (Application Date), PBD (Publication Date), EED (Expected Expiry Date), ASNN (Assignee Normalized) , CASN (Current Assignee), INV (Inventor), EPRD (Earliest Priority date), EPBD (Earliest Publication date), PRN (Priority Details), IC (International Classification ), CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification), UC (US Classification) and links to PDF, Drawings Mosaic, Legal status.
Standard + Family ViewDisplays parallel list of records in standard form with patent family along with Patent number and Title, Abstract, APD (Application Date), PBD (Publication Date), EED (Expected Expiry Date), ASNN (Assignee Normalized) , CASN (Current Assignee), INV (Inventor), EPRD (Earliest Priority date), EPBD (Earliest Publication date), PRN (Priority Details), IC (International Classification ), CPC (Cooperative Patent Classification), UC (US Classification) and links to PDF, Drawings Mosaic, Legal status. The Family table shown includes options to view the Simple and Extended family members along with a link to the Register data for selected countries.
Drawings Only View 

A new Drawings only view provides a more efficient way to scan results by images.

Drawings ViewDisplays collection of images in a single view, wherein all the images appear next to each other.
Standard + KWIC ViewThe Standard+KWIC results view combines the Biblio information present in Standard view along with snippets showing exactly where your query matched within the full text of the record.
Numbers Only ViewDisplays vertical list of records in tabular form.
Custom ViewDisplays list of records in tabular/ column view with the specified custom fields.

Within each view you can set how many records you want to see per page. There are also different sorting options. These are:

Sorting option


Pub. Date DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the publication date
Pub. Date AscendingDisplays the records in the ascending order of the publication date
App. Date DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the application date
App. Date AscendingDisplays the records in the ascending order of the application date
Relevance DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of priority
Most CitedDisplays the records that are most referred to
Earliest Publication Date DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the earliest publication date
Earliest Priority Date DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the earliest priority date
Document Number DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the document numbers
Document Number AscendingDisplays the records in the ascending order of the document numbers
Last Added Descending (projects only)Displays the records in the descending order of date of addition
Last Added Ascending (projects only)Displays the records in the ascending order of date of addition
Simple FamilyDisplays which simple family members appear in a group
Extended FamilyDisplays which extended family members appear in a group
Ratings Descending (projects only)Displays highest rated records upfront
Ratings Ascending (projects only)Displays lowest rated records upfront
Assignee DescendingDisplays the records in the descending order of the Assignees 
Assignee AscendingDisplays the records in the Ascending order of the Assignees

To view list of records

  • On the Search results screen, select the respective view type from the View drop-down list
  • Select number of records from the Show drop-down list
  • Select the respective sorting option from the Sort by drop-down list

The records are displayed as per the options selected.

Register Links

Provides direct links to Register data at the national patent office website of selected countries. These links are present in the Standard + Family view within the Family table.