VizMap: Landscape Mode

Landscape mode does contextual clustering of records and you can then display them around the topics/ themes that you have created
Steps to generate the visualization:

  1. Select VizMap to launch the interface
  2. Under Select Mode option select Landscape Mode

3.  Select top 5 from Show Top and Select “By Topics” / “By Themes”. By default, top 50 is selected.

The below theme landscape map represents key concepts for different companies generated across title, abstract and claims.

The algorithm generates a map wherein the patents are also clustered together based on their text and then it finds the closet theme to which they represent and then it lays that out in a contour map. The themes are represented and the patent clusters are present around those themes.
If you do a mouse over the node, you can see which all patents and how those patents are clustered around the theme. All the interactivity options are available in this map. You can change the type of a contour coloring (assignee / current assignee / legal status / search term). Further, you can even change the type of Contour palettes.

Click on Download as PNG/JPG image option to save the map.
VizMAP is a 2-d spatial visual analysis tool that allows you to work with the data set and analyze it using different analysis techniques: network analysis/ co-relational analysis/ landscape analysis.

Saving the Chart to the Dashboard

You can save VizMap charts to the dashboard. You will find the dashboard under the quick stats tab on the project result page. 

You can also Decide the Group on which VizMap is to Be created and analyzed

A key improvement to VizMap feature is now you have the flexibility to decide on the group to be analyzed using VizMap. When you apply filters to your data set and click on VizMap option, a window to select the appropriate option will be displayed