Word Highlighting

By default the words which are searched are highlighted in the Search Results View. 

Highlights chosen by the application can be customized using a Highlight option present above search results view. You can also highlight the important words in the set of records in your project using this option. For example if you are searching for a mobile, you can highlight various keywords like battery, memory card, application and so on using different colors.

To highlight words 

  1. On the Result screen, click Highlight tab.
  2. The Highlight dialog box will be displayed.
  3. Enter or edit the keywords which you want to highlight. To highlight multiple words using the same color separate them with a comma in the textbox next to the color.
  4. Click Apply.

The keywords are highlighted in the defined colors.

Click to select or deselect Highlight check box to display or hide the highlighted words.

Locking Highlighted Words

By default, the search terms that you give are shown in the Highlight list. While you can add additional words to be highlighted, a new search that you do will replace the older Highlight list. The lock option present in the Highlight form, allows you to lock the set of terms so that it isn't affected by any new search that you do. This allows you to maintain a fixed set of words to be highlighted irrespective of the search. 

An unlock option disables the above restriction, after which any new search will replace the older list. The unlocked state is the default state of the Highlighting feature.

Highlighting Profiles

Highlighting profiles allows you to save a set of terms along with their colours under a profile name, for each loading at a later time. To Save a set of terms to a new profile simply provide a new name in the text box above and click on Add / Save & Apply. You can also update an existing profile by selecting it from the list, modifying it and then click on Add / Save & Apply.

The option Apply Once also allows you to apply the highlights to the keywords entered 

Note: Loading a highlight profile doesn't imply that the terms are locked. You must click on the lock option to lock them else a new search query will replace the loaded profile terms.

The Highlight option also allows you to share the highlight profile using the clone option with your colleagues working on the same project.