Working with Charts

PatSeer charts offer you full flexibility to change the look and feel of the chart and also work with different chart items.

Key Attributes of charts 

You can change the properties of a generated chart using the options present above the chart. A quick description of each option is given in the table below. The common process is to edit the property as per your need and then save the chart.

Attributes of chartsDescription
ShowAllows you to select a definite number of records from the list of records
Chart typeAllows you to select the chart type from the options (column, line, area, pie, scatter, radar, bar, bubble, table, circles)
FontAllows you to change the font size for the text in the charts
ColorAllows you to change the color of the chart type
LegendsAllows you show/hide the legend of the chart
LabelsAllows you to change the labels for the Chart title, x-axis Title, and y-axis Title
Resize HorizontalAllows you to resize the chart horizontally
Resize VerticalAllows you to resize the chart vertically
Multiple Colour Palettes  You can change the color palette from the option above the chart

NOTE: When you save the chart as an image the image size and dimensions is proportional to the image you see in the browser. So, the Resize options allows you to set the chart in the right proportions say for a PPT or an A4 page word document and then export it. You will notice that the charting intelligently handles the axis labels when resizing so that they do not appear too big or small in the exported image.

Other chart actions include:

  • Drill-down - Clicking on any chart item allows you to drill-down to the records behind the chart. The various records are shown in a split-pane below the chart
  • Zoom - If keep you mouse pressed and drag it from one point within a chart to another, it will zoom into that portion.
  • Hide a Dimension - Clicking on any legend name allows you to hide it. Clicking it again makes it visible.
  • Copy Chart Values - To copy the values in a chart you can select Chart Type as table and then simply use your mouse to highlight the table values and copy it into clipboard. If you paste this then in excel the values will get pasted as separate rows and columns.
  • Export - You can export a chart as Image or PDF using the option present on the top right of the chart.
  • Print - You can print a chart directly using the print option present on the top right of the chart
  • Save Chart - This option is available only within a project. You can save the final chart generated and give a name to the saved chart. All the charts you save are static and do not change even if the project data changes. So if you share the report with another person you can be sure that the user will be seeing the charts exactly the way you saved it.