AI generated Patent Summaries
The summaries cover the WHAT, HOW and WHY of the invention covered in a patent and they can potentially help you cut down time needed in deeper review of search results by more than 90%

To view the AI Summary for the patents in your search results:
- Run a Search query in PatSeer
- Then on the results page depending on the view you will see the AI summary option:
Standard view, Standard + Family, Standard + Ind. Claims and Standard + KWIC views:

Compact View:

Tabular View:

You also have a copy option for the AI Summary now as shown below:

AI Summaries can be exported using the export option, one can download AI Summaries for 100 records at one time
NOTE: AI summaries will not be available in Custom and Drawings Views
NOTE: Users with the AI package & PatSeer Pro X subscriptions can now view AI generated summaries!