Search Syntax Examples

Search Syntax

?matches a single character (You can use it multiple times to denote a greater number of characters)
*matches zero or more characters
- (Hyphen / Space)matches two words together or with a single hyphen
*## is any number. Will match zero to N characters.
Term~Fuzzy Match / Search
wd#Left to right ordered proximity search
w#Unordered proximity search
ws#Unordered same sentence proximity search
wp#Unordered same paragraph proximity search
[ _ TO _]Numeric range
[ YYYY-MM-DD TO NOW]Only for Date fields. To   search from certain date to present
[BEG TO YYYY-MM-DD]Only for date fields. To search up to a certain date.
^Term Boosting
Search StatementExplanation
led lightsearches for led and light
"led light"

searches for an exact match of the phrase “led light”.


led or "Light Emitting Diode"

searches for led or “Light Emitting Diode”.


led and "Light Emitting Diode"

both led and “Light Emitting Diode” must be present.


led not infrared

only led must occur without occurrence of infrared.


(led wd5 infrared)

led must occur within 5 words of infrared and before infrared.


(led w5 infrared)

led or infrared must occur within 5 words of each other in any order.


(led wd10 tv wd10 remote wd10 infrared)

All 4 words: led, tv, remote, infrared must occur within 10 words of each other in the same order.






matches optic, optics, optical

matches optics and not optic or optical



matches cart, carrot, carrot, carkit



matches G08B1, G08B15, G08B11...



matches brain, brake, Crain, drain (Fuzzy matching)


claim [4 TO 8]

matches claim 4, claim 5, claim 6, claim 7, claim 8


(antivirus software)

searches for antivirus within 0 word of software i.e., antivirus should be right before software. This is the same as simply searching for “antivirus software” as a phrase search.


((antivirus wd5 software) wd5 Trojan)

searches for antivirus, software and Trojan within 5 words of each other


(mobile* OR cellular* OR handheld) wd5 (display OR LCD OR screen*)

searches for mobile* within 5 words of display/LCD/screen* or cellular* within 5 words of display/LCD/screen* or handheld within 5 words of display/LCD/screen*


GPS^4 OR triangulation

matches either words but GPS documents come earlier in results


“skate board”^10

the phrase is boosted by order of 10


APY:[2005 TO 2012]

matches all application dates in years 2005 to 2012 (both years included)


APD:[2009 TO 2012]

matches application dates 1st Jan 2009 to 1st Jan 2012


APD:[2009-06 TO 2009-10]

matches applications dates 1st June 2009 to 1st Oct 2009


(optic* w1 fiber)

Its same as “optic* fiber”~1


(optic* w1 (fiber or fibre))

searches for optic* within 1 word of fiber or fibre


skate_boardmatches skateboard, skate-board and skate board
(optic* w3-10 fiber)

Will match only those records in which optic* and fiber come within 3 to 10 words of each other


(optic* wd1 fiber)

will match both fiber optics and optical fiber


(optic* wd0 fiber)Same as “optic* fiber”~0. Matches optical fiber, optics fibre
((mobile* phone) OR cellphone OR handheld OR (cellular phone) OR (portable wd0 communicat* device)) w5 (display or LCD or screen*)Since we want mobile phone, cellular phone, portable communication device phrases to be matched with (display or lcd or screen) we have included those in a bracket.