Field Code Guide
T | Title | T:(handbag) AND ((shoulder w2 strap*) OR (adjust* w2 strap*)) |
TAC | Title, Abstract and Claims | TAC:(handbag) AND (shoulder strap* OR adjust* strap*) |
VAC | *Value Added Content | VAC:(mouse) AND (scroll wheel OR ergonomic grip* OR (click w2 (left OR right)) OR indicator light) |
- You can enhance your design patent search by utilizing both wildcard (*) and proximity operators (w/wd/ws/wp) in your query. Wildcards help capture variations of a word, while proximity operators allow you to search for terms that are located within a specified range of each other, ensuring a more precise and comprehensive result. You can specify a number after *. For example *1 will match for 0 or 1 characters.
- Wildcard (?) only stands for exactly one character. You can use this wildcard to cover word variations. For example t?re will search for tyre OR tire
- You can use underscore (_) to match all three types of combinations between words – single word, hyphenated word or exact match. So jet_engine will match jetengine, jet engine and jet-engine.
- Wildcard does not work within Double quotes. So “electric chair*” will give zero results. Since the default operator in PatSeer is an exact match, simply search for (electric chair*) to get the desired result set.
- * VAC is an AI generated field that will give contextually similar design patents to the text entered.
- PatSeer Search system has no stopwords. To search for words AND, OR, NOT or syntax related words such as W, WD, WS, WP you can include them in double-quotes.
For example: T:"bottle and cap "
INV:"john w"
Using these words outside double-quote will make the system treat them as operators and not search terms.
PBD | Publication Date | PBD:[2013-01-01 TO 2017-12-31]; PBD:[2013-01-01 TO NOW] |
PBY | Publication Year | PBY:[2011 TO 2012]; PBY:[2016] |
APD | Application Date | APD:[2007-06-21 TO 2010-06-08] |
APY | Application Year | APY:[2001 TO 2004]; APY:[2010] |
PRD | Priority Date (at Record level) | PRD:[2015-03-12 TO 2017-08-26] |
EED | Estimated Expiry Date | EED:[2012-01-01 TO 2015-12-31] |
EEY | Estimated Expiry Year | EEY:[2013 TO 2014]; EEY:[2015] |
SPBD | Earliest Publication Date (for Simple Family) | SPBD:[2015-01-01 TO NOW] |
SPBY | Earliest Publication Year (for Simple Family) | SPBY:[2001 TO 2002]; SPBY:[2008] |
SPRD | Earliest Priority Date (for Simple Family) | SPRD:[2017-02-25 TO 2020-02-25]; SPRD:[2015-05-01 TO NOW] |
SPRY | Earliest Priority Year (for Simple Family) | SPRY:[2007 TO 2012]; SPRY:[2012] |
ISD | Design Registration Date | ISD:[2016-01-10 TO 2020-12-31]; ISD:[2016-01-22 TO NOW] |
In Field Search, there is a From - To date Range option for Application and Publication dates. You can enter only a year or year with month and date.
- In the “From” field 2021 converts to 2021-01-01 and 2021-09 converts to 2021-09-01. So the first day in the year or the first day in the month is automatically assumed.
- In the “To” field 2021 converts to 2021-12-31 and 2021-09 converts to 2021-09-30. So the last day in the year or the month is automatically assumed
To search for an exact date, enter the same values in both From and To fields.
Using BEG and NOW in date range
You can use BEG and NOW in a range query as shown in the example below:
APD:[2020-06-01 TO NOW] - matches all dates from June 1, 2020 to current date.
APD:[BEG TO 2017-12-31] – matches all dates up to Dec 31, 2017 (including Dec 31, 2017)
Using the Year fields
Each date field also has a corresponding year field. So Application Date APD has APY, Publication Date PBD has PBY. So you can use these fields if you want to search for a year range. It’s simpler and avoids any confusion. So:
APY:[2013 TO 2023] : matches all application dates in years 2013 to 2023 (both years included)
You cannot use NOW or BEG in the year fields
ASN | Assignee | ASN:”Google LLC” Note: In case you want to use & in company name, then the term must be enclosed in Double quotes. So the correct query will be ASN:”PROCTER & GAMBLE CO” |
CASN | Current Assignee | CASN:”PROCTER & GAMBLE CO” |
PASN | Parent Corporate Owner | PASN:Alphabet |
CAAN | Current Assignee + Original and Normalised Assignees | CAAN:”PROCTER & GAMBLE CO” |
INV | Inventor | INV:”JON” Note: Most inventor names can be surname first. Also some may have an initial. So, if you search INV:(John Smith), you will miss out on “Smith John” or “Smith John R” or “John R Smith”. The best way to search is using bidirectional proximity with scope for accommodating 1 more initial/middle name in between. E.g. INV:(John w1 smith) |
ATN | Attorney, Agent or Firm | ATN:"Richardson" |
EXMR | Examiner | EXMR:"John" |
ASNN | Normalized Assignee | ASNN:PROCTER & GAMBLE CO |
ASNNL | Assignee Non Latin | Search within all Non Latin Assignee Names |
RASN | All Assignees in US Reassignment History | RASN:("International Business Machines" or IBM) |
RAAN | US Reassignment Assignee + Original and Normalised Assignees | RAAN:IBM CORP |
ASNC | Assignee Country | ASNC:(US OR JP) |
ASNA | Assignee Address | ASNA:NY OR “New York” |
ASNST | Assignee State | ASNST:(CA OR California) |
ASNCT | Assignee City | ASNCT:New York |
INVC | Inventor Country | INVC:AU |
INVA | Inventor Address | INVA: NY OR “New York” |
INVST | Inventor State | INVST:(CA OR California) |
ATNA | Attorney Address | ATNA:NY OR “New York” |
ASNNT | Assignee Type | ASNNT:GOVT |
NASNN | Number of normalized Assignee | NASNN:[3 TO 5] |
NCASN | Number of Current Assignee | NCASN:[3 TO 5] |
NINV | Number of Inventors | NINV:[2 TO 10] |
AC | All Classes (LOC, UC, CPCG, UCMN, NC) | AC:(D01/10* OR 01-01 or 01-06) |
LOC | Locarno Classification | LOC:02-04 OR 0204 Note: When searching for a Locarno class, you have the flexibility to search either with or without a hyphen. Both formats will yield relevant results. |
UC | US Classification | UC:D02/902 OR D02/906 OR D01/109 OR D08/40 Note: To search for single-digit US classes, add a leading zero before the class number, followed by a forward slash and the subclass number. Examples: D01/109, D08/40 To search for double-digit US classes, enter the class number as it is, followed by the subclass. To search for US classes having subclasses with decimal point, enter the class number as it is. Example: D12/414.1, D12/426.1 You can also use a truncation (*) to search for multiple subclasses. Example: D01/10* will search for D01/106, D01/107, D01/108 and D01/109. D12/414* will search for D12/414 and D12/414.1 |
CPCG | CPC Main Group | CPCG:A46B17 (As this field code searches in the Main CPC Group, the use of truncation (*) is optional.) |
CPC | CPC Full class | CPC:A47L13/18 OR A46B2200/1046 |
UCMN | US Main Class | UCMN:D08 OR D07 Note: To search for single-digit US Main classes, add a leading zero before the class number, Example: D08, D07, D06 To search for double-digit US Main classes, enter the class number as it is. (As this field code searches in the Main US Class, the use of truncation (*) is optional.) |
NC | National class | NC:(D12/162 OR G1-52*) Note: The National Class for design patents is a country-specific system, distinct from the international Locarno Classification. For example, the US and Japan, has its own unique classification system. In the NC field, you can search by Main Class (single/double digit), full class, or both. To search for US Class in the NC field use the following formats: NC: D12/162 or D12162 To search for JP National Class in the NC field, use the following format: You can use truncation (*) to search for multiple subclasses. NC: H7-4* OR H74* will find H7-43, H7-44, H7-43W, H740 and more. NC: D01/10* will search for D01/106, D01/107, D01/108 and D01/109 In PatSeer currently we have National Class data for Japan & the US. |
ALLCT | All Citations (BCT or FCT) | ALLCT:USD418925S OR USD418925 |
BCT | Backward Citations | BCT:USD999956S OR USD999956 |
FCT | Forward Citations | FCT:USD999898S OR USD999898 |
Note: Using a kind code is optional when searching in citation fields.
PNC | Patent No without Kind Code | PNC: USD352395 |
APN | Application No | APN: US19930004033F |
PRN | Priority No | PRN:US19930004033F |
PRC | Priority Country | PRC:US OR WO OR EP |
APNO | Application Number | APNO:0040339 |
LSC | Current Legal Status | TAC:(sneakers) AND LSC:(Active-Granted) |
LSN | Numeric Legal Status 0-Unknown, 1- Dead, 2- Active Pending, 3-Active Granted | LSN:(2 OR 3) |
KESH | *Shape | Structure | KESH:(rectangular OR flat bottom OR elongat*) AND (curve* top) |
KEF | *Functional elements | KEF: (adjust*) AND (handle OR strap* OR buckle*) |
KEO | *Ornamental elements | KEO:((floral OR vine OR flower) AND motif) |
KEM | *Materials | KEM:(cotton OR leather OR nylon OR polyester OR wool) |
KESF | *Surface | Texture | KESF:(smooth OR uniform) AND (matte) |
KEP | *Patterns | KEP:(ridge OR groove OR vertical line*) |
KET | *Transparency | KET:(opaque OR translucent OR sheer) |
KEC | *Components | KEC:(Spout OR Handle OR Lid) |
- Fields present in Other section (having *) from Shape to Components are AI generated. Searching in these fields will enhance design patent search by focusing on specific attributes. These codes enable more detailed and precise searches beyond traditional classification systems.
- LSC or Current Legal Status is the current status of the record as calculated by PatSeer when going through its details. Every time new legal status data is received the LSC gets updated for all applicable records. For each record LSC can only one of the following values:
Name | Valid Values | Description of Value |
Current Legal Status - LSC | Inactive – Withdrawn / Surrendered | If a record has been voluntarily given up |
Active – Granted | A granted patent or an application that has been granted | |
Active - Applied | A pending application | |
Inactive - Opposition / Revoked | If a record has been revoked or has become inactive due to opposition | |
Inactive - Rejected / Refused / Suspended | If an application has been rejected prior to grant. | |
Inactive – Expired | If a granted patent has expired | |
Inactive – Non Payment | If a granted patent has expired due to non payment of maintenance fee |