Kind Codes: Countries I - Z
ID | A | Patent application | |
ID | B | Patent | |
ID | S | Simple patent | |
IE | A1 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Patent application specification as filed |
IE | A2 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Short term patent application |
IE | A8 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Modified first page patent application |
IE | A9 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Modified complete patent application |
IE | B | From 01-01-1929 until 31-12-1991 | Patent specification |
IE | B1 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Patent granted |
IE | B2 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Short term patent |
IE | B8 | From 01-01-1929 onwards | Modified first page patent specification |
IE | B9 | From 01-01-1929 onwards | Modified complete patent specification |
IE | I1 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Supplementary protection certificate application |
IE | I2 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Supplementary protection certificate |
IE | L | From 01-01-1929 onwards | Separately published abstract |
IE | S1 | From 01-01-1929 onwards | Registered design |
IL | ISRAEL | ||
IL | D0 | Patent application filed | |
IL | A | Application of patent for invention | |
IN | INDIA | ||
IN | A1 | Patent | |
IN | E | Patent of addition | |
IS | A7 | From # 1 to 3798 | Patent application made available to the public |
IS | B6 | From 27-03-1924 until 31-12-1991, from # 1 - 1477 | Patent specification |
IS | B7 | From 27-03-1924 until 31-12-1991, from # 1 - 1477 | Amended patent specification |
IS | A | From # 3799 onwards | Patent application made available to the public |
IS | B | From 01-01-1992 onwards, # 1478 | Patent specification |
IS | B2 | From 01-01-1992 onwards, # 1478 | Amended patent specification after opposition |
IS | B3 | From 01-01-2004 onwards, from # 1478 onwards | Amended patent specification after limitation requested |
IS | by the proprietor | ||
IS | B8 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Correction of patent on the first page |
IS | B9 | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Correction of patent resulting in a partial or compl. reprint of |
IS | patent document | ||
IS | I1 | From 01-01-1999 onwards | Supplemental protection certificate application |
IS | I2 | From 01-01-1999 onwards | Granted supplemental protection certificate |
IS | L | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Abstract |
IS | T1 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Translation of claims in an EP application into Icelandic |
IS | T2 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Corrected transl. of claims in an EP application into Icelandic |
IS | T3 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Translation of an EP patent spec.:claims into |
IS | Icelandic and / or other parts into Icelandic or English | ||
IS | T4 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Translation of an amended EP patent spec.:claims into |
IS | Icelandic and / or other parts into Icelandic or English | ||
IS | T5 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Corrected transl. of an EP patent specification: claims into |
IS | Icelandic and / or other parts into Icelandic or English | ||
IT | ITALY | ||
IT | D0 | Filing application | |
IT | A1 | Application for patent of invention | |
IT | A2 | Divisional application | |
IT | A3 | Application also filed as utility | |
IT | A4 | Application transformed | |
IT | B | Patent for invention | |
IT | B1 | Granted patent | |
IT | B2 | certificate | |
IT | T1 | Translated published patent application | |
IT | T2 | Translated granted patent | |
IT | T3 | Translated utility model application | |
IT | V0 | Utility model application | |
IT | Z2 | Patent for utility model | |
IT | U1 | Application for patent of utility model | |
IT | U2 | Divisional utility model application | |
IT | U3 | Utility model application also filed as patent application | |
IT | U4 | Application transformed | |
IT | Y1 | Granted utility model application | |
IT | Application for patent of a new variety of plant | ||
Patent of a new variety of plant | |||
JP | JAPAN | ||
JP | C1 | From 14-08-1885 until 28-12-1956 | Patent specification ( First level) |
JP | S | From 25-05-1889 onwards | Registered design publication |
JP | Z1 | From 07-07-1905 until 28-12-1956 | Registered utility model specification ( First level) |
JP | B1 | From 01-01-1921 until 29-03-1996 | Published examined patent application (First level) |
JP | C2 | From 14-08-1921 until 28-12-1956 | Patent specification (Second level) |
JP | Y1 | From 01-06-1922 until 29-03-1996 | Published examined utility model application ( First level) |
JP | Z2 | From 01-06-1922 until 28-12-1956 | Registered utility model specification ( Second level) |
JP | I | From 16-01-1950 until 29-01-1996 | Corrected registered utility model specification |
JP | H | From 15-06-1950 until 10-09-1997 | Corrected patent specification |
JP | A | From 16-07-1971 onwards | Published unexamined patent application |
JP | A | From 26-07-1979 onwards | Published unexamined patent application (based on international application) |
JP | B | From 1971 onwards | Published examined patent application |
JP | B2 | From 16-07-1971 onwards | Published examined patent application (Second level) |
JP | U | From 13-09-1971 onwards | Published unexamined utility model application |
JP | U | From 25-10-1971 until 17-11-1998 | Published unexamined utility model application (based on international application) |
JP | U | From 27-04-1994 onwards, from # 3.000001 | Published registered utility model |
JP | Y2 | From 13-09-1971 until 29-03-1996 | Published examined utility model application ( Second level) |
JP | A1 | From 09-08-1979 onwards | Domestic re-publication of PCT application |
JP | A5 | From 09-08-1979 onwards | Corrected domestic re-publication of PCT application |
JP | B1 | From 01-03-1996 onwards | Published granted patent |
JP | B2 | From 01-03-1996 onwards | Published granted patent (Second level) |
JP | Y1 | From 05-06-1996 onwards | Published utility model registration |
JP | Y2 | From 05-06-1996 onwards | Published utility model registration (Second level) |
JP | S3 | From 07-10-2002 onwards | Publication of disagreed consultation on design application |
JP | |||
JP | |||
JP | K1 | Non-official translation of JP - A document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K2 | Non-official translation of JP - B document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K3 | Non-official translation of JP - C document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K4 | Non-official translation of JP - U document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K5 | Non-official translation of JP - Y document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K6 | Non-official translation of JP - S document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K7 | Non-official translation of JP - H document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K8 | Non-official translation of JP - Z document, not issued by patent office | |
JP | K9 | Non-official translation of JP - I document, not issued by patent office | |
KE | KENYA | ||
KE | A | Patent | |
KE | D | Patent (1 number for 2 applics.) | |
KR | A | Official gazette of the unexamined patents | |
KR | B1 | Patent specification | |
KR | Patent specification (not published) | ||
KR | K1 | Non-official translation of KR - A document, not issued by patent office | |
KR | K2 | Non-official translation of KR - B document, not issued by patent office | |
KR | U | Official gazette of the unexamined utility models | |
KR | Y1 | Utility model specification | |
KR | Utility model specification (not published) | ||
S | Design | ||
LT | A | Patent application | |
LT | R3 | From # 2001 to 2664 inclusive | Reregistration of SU patent |
LT | B | Date range from 25-08-1994 | Patent specification |
LU | A1 | Patent application | |
LU | A7 | Additional certificate | |
LU | D | Patent applic. (1 number for 2 applics.) | |
I2 | Supplementary protection certificate | ||
From 01-10-1998 onwards | |||
A1 | Patent appl. with search report | ||
A2 | Patent appl. without search report | ||
A7 | Additional certificate | ||
I2 | Supplementary protection certificate | ||
LV | LATVIA | ||
LV | A | Patent application | |
LV | A3 | Reregistered patents (importation ?) | |
LV | A4 | Pat. Appl. under agreement LV - USA | |
LV | B | Patent publication | |
LV | B4 | Patent under agreement LV - USA | |
MA | A1 | From 01-10-1974 until 31-12-2006 | Patent of invention |
MA | Certificate of invention | ||
MA | B1 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Granted patent |
MC | MONACO | ||
MC | A | Patent of invention | |
E | Certificate of addition | ||
MD | A | From 01-01-1992 until 30-06-2010 | Published non-examined patent applic |
MD | A0 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Patent application published before 18 months |
MD | A1 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Patent application published with search report |
MD | A2 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Patent application published without search report |
MD | A3 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Separately published search report |
MD | A8 | From 01-02-2006 onwards | Modified first page |
MD | A9 | From 01-02-2006 onwards | Modified complete specification |
MD | B1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Published examined patent application without A publication |
MD | B1 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Granted patent |
MD | B2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Published examined patent application preceeded by A publication |
MD | B2 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Granted patent amended after opposition or appeal |
MD | B8 | From 01-02-2006 onwards | Corrected first page granted patent |
MD | B9 | From 01-02-2006 onwards | Corrected complete granted patent |
MD | C1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Patent specification not preceeded by B1 or B2 |
MD | C1 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Issued patent |
MD | C2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Patent specification preceeded by B1 or B2 |
MD | C2 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Issued patent amended after opposition or appeal |
MD | C3 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Issued patent amended after limitation or revocation |
MD | C8 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected first page patent specification |
MD | C8 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected first page issued patent |
MD | C9 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected complete patent specification |
MD | C9 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected complete issued patent |
MD | F1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, not preceeded |
MD | by A publication | ||
MD | F2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, preceeded by A publication |
MD | G1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Unexamined patent specification granted under the applicant's reponsibility, not preceeded |
MD | by F1 or F2 publication | ||
MD | G2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Unexamined patent specification granted under the applicant's reponsibility, preceeded by F1 |
MD | or F2 publication | ||
MD | G8 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected first page G1 or G2 |
MD | G9 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected complete G1 or G2 |
MD | M | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Supplementary protection certificate |
MD | U | From 01-01-1992 until 30-06-2010 | Unexamined application for utility model |
MD | U0 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Short-term patent application |
MD | U8 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected first page utility model application |
MD | U9 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected complete utility model application |
MD | Y | From 04-10-2008 onwards | Granted short-term patent of invention |
MD | Y1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Published examined utility model application, not preceeded by U publication |
MD | Y2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Published examined utility model application, preceeded by U publication |
MD | Y8 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected first page examined utility model application |
MD | Y9 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected complete examined utility model application |
MD | Y3 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Granted short-term patent amended after opposition or appeal |
MD | Y8 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected first page granted short-term patent of invention |
MD | Y9 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected complete granted short-term patent of invention |
MD | Z | From 04-10-2008 onwards | Issued short-term patent for invention |
MD | Z1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Registered utlitliy model not preceeded by Y1 or Y2 |
MD | Z2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Registered utility model preceeded by Y1 or Y2 |
MD | Z3 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Short-term patent of invention, issued after amendment following opposition or appeal |
MD | Z4 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Short-term patent of invention issued after amendment following limitation or revocation |
MD | Z5 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Extended short-term patent of invention |
MD | Z6 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Extended short-term patent of invention, amended after extension procedure |
MD | Z8 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected first page of issued or extended short-term patent of invention |
MD | Z9 | From 01-07-2010 onwards | Corrected complete issued or extended short-term patent of invention |
MD | W1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, not |
MD | preceeded by U publication | ||
MD | W2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, |
MD | preceeded by U publication | ||
MD | W8 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected first page W1 or W2 |
MD | W9 | From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010 | Corrected complete W1 or W2 |
MD | I1 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Unexamined utility model specification, registered under the applicant's responsibility, not |
MD | preceeded by W1 or W2 publication | ||
MD | I2 | From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010 | Unexamined utility model specification, registered under the applicant's responsibility, |
MD | preceeded by W1 or W2 publication | ||
MD | E | From 01-01-1998 onwards | Published unexamined plant variety patent application |
MD | F3 | From 01-01-1998 onwards | Published examined plant variety patent application |
MD | P | From 01-01-1998 onwards | Plant variety patent |
ME | A | From 10-02-2010 onwards | Patent application |
ME | B | From 10-06-2010 onwards | Granted patent |
ME | S | From 02-10-2011 onwards | Design application |
ME | S1 | From 02-10-2011 onwards | Registered design |
MN | A1 | Patent | |
MN | A7 | Patent of addition | |
MN | A6 | Inventor's certificate | |
A8 | Inventor's certificate of addition | ||
MT | MALTA | ||
MT | A | Patent application | |
MW | MALAWI | ||
MW | A1 | Patent application | |
E | Application for a patent of addition | ||
MX | MEXICO | ||
MX | A | From 1976 onwards | Patent of invention |
MX | E | Certificate of invention | |
MX | R | Patent of improvement | |
MX | New law of 1991 | ||
MX | A | Patent application | |
MX | U | Registered utility model | |
B | Granted patent/ granted utility model | ||
MY | A | Until 30-09-1986 | UK patents registered |
A | From 01-10-1986 onwards | Laid open application for patent of invention / utilty model | |
A | From 01-09-1990 onwards | Granted patent / Utility model | |
NI | A | From 01-01-1899 onwards | Patent of invention |
NI | U | From 19-09-2000 onwards | Utility model |
NI | S | Industrial design | |
NL | A | Patent application laid open | |
NL | B | Published patent application | |
NL | C | Patent | |
NL | Law 1995 from # 1000001 onwards | ||
NL | A1 | Registered specification laid open | |
NL | C1 | Patent without search report - 6 year | |
NL | C2 | Patent with search report - 20 year | |
NL | C8 | Modified first page | |
NL | C9 | Modified patent | |
NL | I1 | Suppl. protection certificate application | |
NL | I2 | Granted suppl. protection certificate | |
NL | |||
NL | From 20-02-2010 onwards | ||
NL | A | Patent application | |
NL | A8 | Modified first page patent application | |
NL | A9 | Modified patent application | |
NL | C | Patent | |
NL | C8 | Modified first page granted patent | |
NL | C9 | Modified patent | |
NL | I1 | Suppl. protection certificate application | |
NL | I2 | Granted suppl. protection certificate | |
NL | |||
NL | K1 | Non-official translation of NL - A document, not issued by patent office | |
NL | K2 | Non-official translation of NL - B document, not issued by patent office | |
NL | K3 | Non-official translation of NL - C document, not issued by patent office | |
NO | NORWAY | ||
NO | A | Patent application made available to the public | |
NO | D0 | Patent application filed | |
NO | B | From # 115001 to 300000 | Document laid open for public inspection |
NO | B1 | From # 300001 onwards | Granted patents |
NO | B2 | From # 300001 onwards | Granted after opposition |
NO | B3 | From # 300001 onwards | Granted with admin. limitation |
NO | C | From # 2841 to 113574 | Granted patent |
NO | C | From # 115001 to 300000 | Patent |
NO | L | Abstract | |
NO | T1 | Translated unexamined application | |
NO | T2 | Translated examined application | |
NO | T3 | Translated granted patent | |
NO | I1 | Suppl. protection certificate application | |
NO | I2 | Granted suppl. protection certificate | |
NZ | D0 | Patent application filed | |
A | Patent application | ||
OA | OAPI | ||
OA | A | Patent of invention | |
E | Additon for patent of invention | ||
PA | PANAMA | ||
PA | A1 | From 24-09-1946 onwards | Patent application |
PA | A2 | Divisional patent application | |
PA | A3 | Revalidation patent application | |
PA | R | From 01-01-1996 onwards | Search report published |
PA | U | From 10-05-1996 onwards | Utility model application |
PA | S | Industrial design application | |
PE | PERU | ||
PE | A1 | From 11-02-1939 onwards | Patent application |
PE | B | From 30-01-1939 onwards | Granted patent |
PE | R | From 11-02-1939 onwards | Patent of improvement |
Z | From 24-05-1996 onwards | Utility model application | |
Y | From 24-01-1984 onwards | Granted utility model | |
S | From 24-05-1996 onwards | Industrial design application | |
S1 | From 08-05-1968 onwards | Granted industrial design | |
PH | A | Patent for invention (first and only publ.) | |
U | Patent for utility model (first and only publ.) | ||
Industrial design | |||
PL | POLAND | ||
PL | 1976 until 1979 | ||
PL | A5 | Spec. of principle inventor's certificate | |
PL | B3 | Spec. of patent of addition | |
PL | A6 | Spec. of addition to inventor's certificate | |
PL | A1 | Application laid open | |
PL | B1 | Spec. of principle patent | |
PL | From 1980 onwards | ||
PL | A1 | Application | |
PL | A2 | Application for provisional patent | |
PL | A3 | Application for additional patent | |
PL | A4 | Application for additional provisional patent | |
PL | B1 | Patent | |
PL | B2 | Provisional patent | |
PL | B3 | Additional patent | |
PL | B4 | Provisional additional patent | |
PL | C1 | Patent preceeded by provisional patent | |
PL | C3 | Patent prec. by provisional additional patent | |
PL | T1 | Reserved for future use | Polish translations of EP claims |
PL | T2 | Reserved for future use | Corrected Polish translations of EP claims |
PL | T3 | From 01-06-2005 onwards | Polish translation of the European patent |
PL | T4 | From 01-12-2006 onwards | Corrected Polish translations of the European patent |
PL | T5 | From 01-12-2006 onwards | Polish translation of the European patent after opposition |
PL | T6 | From 01-12-2006 onwards | Polish translation of the European patent limited by anamendment requested by applicant |
PL | U1 | Application for utility model | |
PL | U3 | Application for additional. utility model | |
PL | Y1 | Specification for uility model | |
Y3 | Specification for addition of utility model | ||
K1 | Non-official translation of PL - A document, not issued by patent office | ||
K2 | Non-official translation of PL - B document, not issued by patent office | ||
K3 | Non-official translation of PL - C document, not issued by patent office | ||
K4 | Non-official translation of PL - U document, not issued by patent office | ||
K5 | Non-official translation of PL - Y document, not issued by patent office | ||
PT | A | From 01-01-1896 onwards | Application for patent of invention |
PT | A1 | From 01-01-1972 until 31-12-1995 | Application for certificate of addition to a patent of invention |
PT | B | From 01-01-1896 onwards | Patent of invention |
PT | B1 | From 01-01-1972 until 31-12-1995 | Certificate of addition to a patent of invention |
PT | E | From 01-10-1993 onwards | Availibilty of national translation of European patent |
PT | T | From 1992 onwards | Application for a utility model |
PT | U | From 01-01-1940 until 31-12-1991 | Application for a utility model |
PT | U | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Granted utility model |
PT | W | From 01-10-1996 onwards | Granted PCT patent valid in PT |
Y | From 01-01-1940 until 31-12-1991 | Granted national utility model | |
Y | From 01-01-1992 onwards | Granted PCT patent valid in PT as utility model | |
Y | From 01-01-1993 onwards | EP patent valid in PT as utility model | |
PY | A | From 01-01-1920 onwards | Patent of invention |
PY | R | Revalidation patent | |
PY | U | Utility model | |
PY | S | Industrial design | |
RO | A2 | Published before 21-1-1992 | Inventor's certificate |
RO | A3 | Published before 21-1-1992 | Addition to inventor's certificate |
RO | |||
RO | A | From 01-01-1906 until 31-12-2006 | Patent application published without search report |
RO | A0 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application published 18 months after the filing or priority date or within 6 months after entering national phase |
RO | Description of an invention | ||
RO | A1 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application published with search report |
RO | A2 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application published without search report |
RO | A3 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Separately published search report |
RO | A4 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application published within 3 months after the secrecy status of the information contained therein ceased |
RO | Complementary description of an invention | ||
RO | A8 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application with corrections in the front page of the document |
RO | A9 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Patent application with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings |
RO | B | From 01-01-1906 until 31-10-2009 | Patent specification |
RO | B1 | From 21-01-1992 onwards | Patent |
RO | B2 | Patent in the amended form subsequently to the revocation procedure | |
RO | B8 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent with corrections in the front page of the document |
RO | B9 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings, where the document was partly or fully reprinted |
RO | C | From 01-01-1906 until 20-01-1992 | Granted patent after revocation (second publ.) |
RO | C1 | From 21-01-1992 until 31-12-2003 | Granted patent after revocation (first publ.) |
RO | C2 | From 21-01-1992 until 31-12-2003 | Granted patent after revocation (second publ.) |
RO | C3 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent issued subsequently to the partial cancellation procedure based on the decision of Law Court of Bucharest |
RO | C4 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure as a result of an action at law relating to the right to the patent |
RO | C8 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure with corrections in the front page of the document |
RO | C9 | From 01-01-2004 onwards | Patent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings where the document was partly or fully reprinted |
RO | |||
RO | I1 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Application for supplementary protection certificate for medicaments and plant protection products |
RO | I2 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Supplementary protection certificate for medicaments and plant protection products |
RO | |||
RO | T | From 01-01-1998 onwards | Pipeline protection certificate |
RO | T1 | From 01-01-2003 onwards | Translation of the claims of the European patent application |
RO | T2 | From 01-01-2003 onwards | Translation of the European patent specification |
RO | T3 | From 01-01-2003 onwards | Translation of the European patent specification in the form amended subsequently to an opposition procedure |
RO | T8 | From 01-01-2003 onwards | Reprinted front page of a published European patent application or of a published European patent as a consequence of some corrections thereof |
RO | T9 | From 01-01-2003 onwards | Translation containing the corrections of a published European patent document |
RO | |||
RO | U1 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Utility model certificate published together with the search report |
RO | U2 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Utility model certificate published without the search report |
RO | U3 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Search report published subsequently to the utility model |
RO | U4 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Search report published separately for modified claims (requested by third parties) |
RO | U8 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Utility model with corrected first page |
RO | U9 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Utility model with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings where the document was partly or fully reprinted |
RO | Y | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Search report drawn up upon request by third parties, for the amended claims of the utility model |
RO | Z | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Utility model with amended claims resulting from a cancellation procedure |
RO | |||
RO | K1 | Non-official translation of RO - A document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | K2 | Non-official translation of RO - B document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | K3 | Non-official translation of RO - C document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | K4 | Non-official translation of RO - U document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | K5 | Non-official translation of RO - Y document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | K9 | Non-official translation of RO - Z document, not issued by patent office | |
RO | |||
RS | SERBIA | ||
RS | A | From 26-09-2006 until 31-12-2011 | Laid open patent application |
RS | B | From 26-09-2006 onwards | Patent Specification |
RS | U | From 26-09-2006 onwards | Petty patent |
RS | A1 | From 01-01-2012 onwards | Patent application published with search report |
RS | A2 | From 01-01-2012 onwards | Patent application published without search report |
RS | A3 | From 01-01-2012 onwards | Separately published search report |
RU | Under # 2000000 | ||
RU | C | Patent | |
RU | From # 2000001 onwards | ||
RU | C1 | Patent for invention | |
RU | C2 | Patent for invention ( second publication) | |
RU | Published from 14-10-1992 | ||
RU | A | Application for invention | |
RU | S | Design patent | |
U1 | Certificate for utility model | ||
A8 | Published from 2005 onwards | Modified first page application for invention | |
A9 | Reprinted application for invention | ||
U8 | Modified first page utility model | ||
U9 | Reprinted utility model | ||
C8 | Modified first page granted patent | ||
C9 | Reprinted granted patent | ||
K1 | Non-official translation of RU - A document, not issued by patent office | ||
K3 | Non-official translation of RU - C document, not issued by patent office | ||
K4 | Non-official translation of RU - U document, not issued by patent office | ||
K6 | Non-official translation of RU - S document, not issued by patent office | ||
SE | SWEDEN | ||
SE | Old law | ||
SE | C1 | From # 1 to 227869 | Patent specification (first level) |
SE | |||
SE | A | Until 31-12-2010 | Patent application made available to the public |
SE | D0 | Patent application filed | |
SE | L | Until 06-04-2010 | Abstract available to the public |
SE | L1 | From 01-01-2000 onwards | Amendment of L, published amendment |
SE | A0 | From 13-03-2010 onwards | Patent application made available to the public |
SE | A1 | From 13-03-2010 onwards | Patent application |
SE | A2 | From 13-03-2010 onwards | Corrected patent application |
SE | B | From # 300001 to # 480000 | Document laid open for public inspection |
SE | B5 | From # 300001 to # 480000 | Corrected document laid open for public inspection |
SE | C | From # 300001 to # 480000 | Patent specification |
SE | C5 | From # 300001 to # 480000 | Patent specification, corrected document republished |
SE | C2 | From # 500001 onwards | Patent specification |
SE | C3 | From # 500001 onwards | Patent specification, corrected document republished |
SE | C8 | From # 500001 onwards | Corrected first page of patent specification |
SE | E | From # 500001 onwards | Amended patent specification ( publication of revised claims after objection) |
SE | E1 | From # 500001 onwards | Amended patent specification (amendment of E, amended document republished) |
SE | E5 | From # 500001 onwards | Limited patent specification ( amendment of C2 or E, republished with revised claims after objection) |
SE | E5 | From 01-01-2007 until 31-12-2011 | Limited patent specification ( amendment of T3, republished with revised claims after limitation of patent) |
SE | E8 | From # 500001 onwards | Limited patent specification, corrected first page republished |
SE | E9 | From # 500001 onwards | Corrected limited patent specification republished |
SE | K1 | Non-official translation of SE - A document, not issued by patent office | |
SE | K2 | Non-official translation of SE - B document, not issued by patent office | |
SE | K3 | Non-official translation of SE - C document, not issued by patent office | |
SE | K9 | Non-official translation of SE - E document, not issued by patent office | |
SE | T1 | Translation of claims of an European patent application | |
SE | T2 | Translation of revised claims of an European patent application | |
SE | T3 | Translation of an European patent specification | |
SE | T4 | Translation of a revised European patent specification | |
SE | T5 | Corrected translation of an amended European patent specification | |
SE | T6 | From 01-01-2007 onwards | Translation of a limited European patent specification( republished with revised claims after limitation of patent) |
SE | T8 | Corrected first page of European patent specification( republished amendment of T3) | |
SE | T9 | Corrected translation of an European patent specification republished | |
G | UK patents registered | ||
A1 | Patent Application | ||
A2 | From 23-02-1995 onwards | Transitional patent application | |
SI | A | Patent | |
SI | A1 | Patent of addition | |
A2 | Short term patent | ||
A8 | Conversion patent | ||
B | Amended claims | ||
A | From 20001 onwards | Patent | |
A1 | From 20001 onwards | Patent of addition | |
A2 | From 20001 onwards | Short term patent | |
A8 | From 20001 onwards | Conversion patent | |
L | Published abstract | ||
T1 | Translation of EP claims | ||
T2 | Translation of amended claims | ||
SK | A3 | From 01-01-1993 onwards | Application published |
SK | B6 | From 01-01-1993 onwards | Patent |
SK | U | From 01-01-1993 until 31-12-2007 | Registered utility model |
SK | U1 | From 01-01-2008 onwards | Published utility model application |
SK | Y1 | From 01-01-2008 onwards | Registered utility model unamended |
SK | Y2 | From 01-01-2008 onwards | Registered utility model changed |
SK | K1 | Non-official translation of SK - A document, not issued by patent office | |
SK | K2 | Non-official translation of SK - B document, not issued by patent office | |
SK | K4 | Non-official translation of SK - U document, not issued by patent office | |
SK | K5 | Non-official translation of SK - Y document, not issued by patent office | |
SM | From 01-01-2000 onwards | ||
SM | A | Publication of application / publication of application for PCT transfers | |
SM | B | Granted patent / Granted patent for PCT / EP transfers | |
SM | S | Application of design / model ( first publication) | |
SM | S1 | Granted design / model (second publication) | |
SM | S2 | Application of design / model, (multiple application) ( first publication) | |
SM | S3 | Granted design / model, (multiple application ), ( second publication) | |
SM | S4 | Revalidation design / model | |
SU | T | Translated document | |
SU | Published before 1981 | ||
SU | A3 | Description of the invention for a patent | |
SU | A4 | Description of the invention for a patent of addition | |
SU | A1 | Description of the invention for an inventor's certificate | |
SU | A2 | Description of the inv. for an inventor's certificate of add. | |
SU | Published from 1981 | ||
SU | A1 | Description of the invention for an inventor's certificate | |
SU | A2 | Description of the inv. for an inventor's certificate of add. | |
SU | A3 | Description of the invention for a patent | |
A4 | Description of the invention for a patent of addition | ||
C | Patents replacing inventor's certificate | ||
K1 | Non-official translation of SU - A document, not issued by patent office | ||
K3 | Non-official translation of SU - C document, not issued by patent office | ||
SV | A | From 01-01-1915 onwards | Patent application |
SV | U | Utility model application | |
SV | S | Industrial design | |
TH | A | Patent application | |
TH | S | Industrial design application | |
TH | U | Utility model application | |
TJ | A | From 01-01-1996 onwards | Patent application |
TJ | R3 | Until 31-12-1994 | Reregistration of SU patent |
TJ | B | From 16-07-1996 onwards | Granted patent (Second level) |
TJ | C | From 16-07-1996 onwards | Granted patent ( Third level) |
TJ | U | From 01-01-1996 onwards | Utility model |
TJ | Y3 | From 01-02-2004 onwards | Petty patent |
TN | A1 | Application for a patent of invention | |
TN | A7 | Application for a certificate of addition | |
TN | B1 | Patent of invention | |
B7 | Certificate of addition | ||
TR | TURKEY | ||
TR | A | Specification of invention for a patent | |
TR | From 1995 onwards | ||
TR | A1 | Patent application with search report | |
TR | A2 | Patent application without search report | |
TR | A3 | Search report | |
TR | B | Granted patent | |
TR | T1 | Translation of WO with search report | |
TR | T2 | Transl. of WO without search report | |
TR | T3 | Transl. EP claims | |
TR | T4 | Transl. EP B documents | |
TR | U | Utility model | |
TR | U1 | Utility model application PCT route phase 1 | |
TR | U2 | Utility model application PCT route phase 2 | |
TR | Y | Granted utility model | |
TR | K1 | Non-official translation of TR - A document, not issued by patent office | |
TR | K2 | Non-official translation of TR - B document, not issued by patent office | |
TR | K4 | Non-official translation of TR - U document, not issued by patent office | |
TR | K5 | Non-official translation of TR - Y document, not issued by patent office | |
TT | B | Granted patent | |
TT | Y | Utility certificate | |
TW | TAIWAN | ||
TW | A | From 01-05-2003 onwards | Laid open application for patent or patent of addition |
TW | B | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Granted patent or patent of addition |
TW | S | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Registered industrial design |
TW | U | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Registered utility model or utility model of addition |
TW | Y | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Registered utility model or utility model of addition |
TW | K1 | From 01-05-2003 onwards | Non-official translation of TW - A document, not issued by patent office |
TW | K2 | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Non-official translation of TW - B document, not issued by patent office |
TW | K4 | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Non-official translation of TW - U document, not issued by patent office |
TW | K6 | From 01-01-1950 onwards | Non-official translation of TW - S document, not issued by patent office |
UA | A1 | Patent granted after re-reg. of USSR inv. cert. | |
UA | A | Declarative patent spec. for invention | |
UA | C1 | Patent granted upon pos. decision of USSR | |
UA | C2 | Patent granted upon the USSR appl.,for which | |
UA | no pos. dec. made;grant. upon basis of | ||
UA | national application | ||
UA | U | Declarative / patent spec. for utility model | |
US | USA | ||
US | From begin until end 2000 | ||
A | Patent | ||
I5 | publicationDate 28-01-1975 | Patent applic. publ. within the TVPP | |
B with six numerals for Bacon | |||
A | A2 not used in INP FIL | Patent issued after first publication within the TVPP | |
I5 | publicationDate not 28-01-1975 | Patent applic publ. within the TVPP | |
B with six numerals for Bacon | |||
B1 | Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam. | ||
B2 | Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam. | ||
B3 | Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam. | ||
B with seven numerals for Bacon | |||
E | Reissue | ||
RE with five numerals for Bacon | |||
E | Design reissue | ||
RD with five numerals for Bacon | |||
E | Plant reissue | ||
RP with five numerals for Bacon | |||
F1 | Reexam. cert reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F2 | Reexam. cert reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F3 | Reexam. cert reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
BRE with five numerals for Bacon | |||
I4 | Defensive publication | ||
T with six numerals for Bacon | |||
H | Statutory invention registration (SIR) | ||
H with seven numerals for Bacon | |||
H | Statutory invention registration for design | ||
HD with six numerals for Bacon | |||
H | Statutory invention registration for plant patent | ||
HP with six numerals for Bacon | |||
P | From # 1 to 11727 | Plant patents | |
PP with five numerals for Bacon | |||
S | Design patent | ||
D with six numerals for Bacon | |||
I1 | Patent Pre-1836 | ||
X with six numerals for Bacon | |||
I2 | Reissue Pre-1836 | ||
RX with five numerals for Bacon | |||
I3 | Add. improvement (1838-1868) | ||
AI with five numerals for Bacon | |||
Certificate of Correction etc. | |||
From 2001 onwards | |||
A1 | First published patent application | ||
A2 | Republished patent application | ||
A9 | Corrected patent application | ||
B1 | Granted patent as first publication | ||
B2 | Granted patent as second publication | ||
B8 | Corrected front page granted patent | ||
B9 | Corrected complete granted patent | ||
C1 | Reexamination | ||
C2 | Reexamination | ||
C3 | Reexamination | ||
C4 | Reexamination | ||
C5 | Reexamination | ||
C6 | Reexamination | ||
C7 | Reexamination | ||
C8 | Reexamination | ||
C9 | Reexamination | ||
E1 | Reissue | ||
F1 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F2 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F3 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F4 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F5 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F6 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F7 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F8 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
F9 | Reexam. cert Reissue n-nd reexam. | ||
H1 | Statutory invention registration (SIR) | ||
P1 | From # 2001000000 onwards | First published plant patent application | |
P2 | From # 11728 onwards | First published granted plant patent | |
P3 | Second publ. granted plant patent | ||
P4 | Republished plant patent application | ||
P9 | Corrected plant patent application | ||
S1 | Design patent | ||
UY | |||
UY | A1 | From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009 | Patent application (First publication level) |
UY | A2 | From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009 | Divisional application (First publication level) |
UY | A3 | From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009 | Revalidation application (First publication level) |
UY | A | From 01-10-2009 onwards | Patent application |
UY | K1 | From 03-12-1941 onwards | Non-official translation of UY - A document, not issued by patent office |
UY | K4 | From 26-07-1976 onwards | Non-official translation of UY - U document, not issued by patent office |
UY | K7 | From 26-07-1976 onwards | Non-official translation of UY - Q document, not issued by patent office |
UY | U | From 26-07-1976 onwards | Utility model application |
UY | Q | From 26-07-1976 onwards | Industrial design application |
UY | |||
VE | Patent application | ||
VE | Patent specification | ||
VN | A1 | Patent | |
VN | A7 | Patent of addition | |
VN | A6 | Inventor's certificate | |
VN | A8 | Inventor's certificate of addition | |
VN | B | From 1984 onwards | Granted patent |
U | Utility model | ||
Y | Granted utility model | ||
WO | WIPO (P.C.T.) | ||
WO | A1 | International application published with international search report | |
WO | A2 | International application published without international search report | |
WO | A2 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | International application published with declaration under Article 17 (2) (a) |
WO | A3 | Later publication of ISR with revised front page | |
WO | A4 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | Later publication of amended claims and / or statement (Article 19) |
WO | revised front page | ||
WO | B1 | Amended claims | |
WO | B1 | Amended claims | |
WO | A8 | Modified first page | |
WO | A8 | Modified first page | |
WO | A8 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | International application republished with corrections to front page |
WO | bibliographic data | ||
WO | A9 | Complete corrected document | |
WO | A9 | Complete corrected document | |
WO | A9 | From 01-01-2009 onwards | International application or ISR republished with corrections, alterations |
WO | or supplements | ||
WO | K1 | Non-official translation of WO - A document, not issued by patent office | |
YU | A | From 1921 until 09-07-2004 | Patent application (first level) |
YU | A | From 01-02-1951 until 30-09-56 | Application for Inventor's certificate |
YU | B | From 1921 until 09-07-2004 | Patent specification ( second level ) |
YU | U | From 08-01-1997 until 09-07-2004 | Petty patent |
YU | A | Starting 10-07-2004 | Publication of patent application |
YU | B | Registered patent | |
YU | U | Petty patent | |
ZA | A | Patent specification | |
D | Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.) | ||
ZM | ZAMBIA | ||
ZM | A1 | Patent application | |
ZM | D | Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.) | |
E | Application for a patent of addition | ||
ZW | A1 | Patent of invention | |
ZW | E | Patent of addition |