Kind Codes: Countries I - Z


IDA Patent application
IDB Patent
IDS Simple patent
IEA1From 01-01-1992 onwardsPatent application specification as filed
IEA2From 01-01-1992 onwardsShort term patent application
IEA8From 01-01-1992 onwardsModified first page patent application
IEA9From 01-01-1992 onwardsModified complete patent application
IEBFrom 01-01-1929 until 31-12-1991Patent specification
IEB1From 01-01-1992 onwardsPatent granted
IEB2From 01-01-1992 onwardsShort term patent
IEB8From 01-01-1929 onwardsModified first page patent specification
IEB9From 01-01-1929 onwardsModified complete patent specification
IEI1From 01-01-1992 onwardsSupplementary protection certificate application
IEI2From 01-01-1992 onwardsSupplementary protection certificate 
IELFrom 01-01-1929 onwardsSeparately published abstract
IES1From 01-01-1929 onwardsRegistered design 
ILD0 Patent application filed
ILA Application of patent for invention
INA1 Patent
INE Patent of addition
ISA7From # 1 to 3798Patent application made available to the public
ISB6From 27-03-1924 until 31-12-1991, from # 1 - 1477Patent specification
ISB7From 27-03-1924 until 31-12-1991, from # 1 - 1477Amended patent specification
ISFrom # 3799 onwardsPatent application made available to the public
ISBFrom 01-01-1992 onwards, # 1478 Patent specification
ISB2From 01-01-1992 onwards, # 1478 Amended patent specification after opposition
ISB3From 01-01-2004 onwards, from # 1478 onwardsAmended patent specification after limitation requested
IS  by the proprietor
ISB8From 01-01-1992 onwardsCorrection of patent on the first page
ISB9From 01-01-1992 onwardsCorrection of patent resulting in a partial or compl. reprint of
IS  patent document
ISI1From 01-01-1999 onwardsSupplemental protection certificate application
ISI2From 01-01-1999 onwardsGranted supplemental protection certificate
ISLFrom 01-01-1992 onwardsAbstract
IST1From 01-01-2004 onwards Translation of claims in an EP application into Icelandic
IST2From 01-01-2004 onwards Corrected transl. of claims in an EP application into Icelandic
IST3From 01-01-2004 onwards Translation of an EP patent spec.:claims into
IS  Icelandic and / or other parts into Icelandic or English
IST4From 01-01-2004 onwards Translation of an amended EP patent spec.:claims into 
IS  Icelandic and / or  other parts into Icelandic or English
IST5From 01-01-2004 onwards Corrected transl. of an EP patent specification: claims into 
IS  Icelandic and / or other parts into Icelandic or English
ITD0 Filing application
ITA1 Application for patent of invention
ITA2 Divisional application
ITA3 Application also filed as utility
ITA4 Application transformed
ITB Patent for invention
ITB1 Granted patent
ITB2 certificate
ITT1 Translated published patent application
ITT2 Translated granted patent
ITT3 Translated utility model application
ITV0 Utility model application
ITZ2 Patent for utility model
ITU1 Application for patent of utility model
ITU2 Divisional utility model application
ITU3 Utility model application also filed as patent  application
ITU4 Application transformed
ITY1 Granted utility model application
IT  Application for patent of a new variety of plant
   Patent of a new variety of plant
JPC1From 14-08-1885 until 28-12-1956Patent specification ( First level)
JPSFrom 25-05-1889 onwardsRegistered design publication
JPZ1From 07-07-1905 until 28-12-1956Registered utility model specification ( First level)
JPB1From 01-01-1921 until 29-03-1996Published examined patent application (First level)
JPC2From 14-08-1921 until 28-12-1956Patent specification (Second level)
JPY1From 01-06-1922 until 29-03-1996Published examined utility model application ( First level)
JPZ2From 01-06-1922 until 28-12-1956Registered utility model specification ( Second level)
JPIFrom 16-01-1950 until 29-01-1996Corrected registered utility model specification
JPHFrom 15-06-1950 until 10-09-1997Corrected patent specification
JPAFrom 16-07-1971 onwardsPublished unexamined patent application
JPAFrom 26-07-1979 onwardsPublished unexamined patent application (based on international application)
JPBFrom 1971 onwardsPublished examined patent application
JPB2From 16-07-1971 onwardsPublished examined patent application (Second level)
JPUFrom 13-09-1971 onwardsPublished unexamined utility model application
JPUFrom 25-10-1971 until 17-11-1998Published unexamined utility model application (based on international application)
JPUFrom 27-04-1994 onwards, from # 3.000001Published registered utility model
JPY2From 13-09-1971 until 29-03-1996Published examined utility model application ( Second level)
JPA1From 09-08-1979 onwardsDomestic re-publication of PCT application
JPA5From 09-08-1979 onwardsCorrected domestic re-publication of PCT application
JPB1From 01-03-1996 onwardsPublished granted patent
JPB2From 01-03-1996 onwardsPublished granted patent (Second level)
JPY1From 05-06-1996 onwardsPublished utility model registration
JPY2From 05-06-1996 onwardsPublished utility model registration (Second level)
JPS3From 07-10-2002 onwardsPublication of disagreed consultation on design application
JPK1 Non-official translation of JP - A document, not issued by patent office
JPK2 Non-official translation of JP - B document, not issued by patent office
JPK3 Non-official translation of JP - C document, not issued by patent office
JPK4 Non-official translation of JP - U document, not issued by patent office
JPK5 Non-official translation of JP - Y document, not issued by patent office
JPK6 Non-official translation of JP - S document, not issued by patent office
JPK7 Non-official translation of JP - H document, not issued by patent office
JPK8 Non-official translation of JP - Z document,  not issued by patent office
JPK9 Non-official translation of JP - I document, not issued by patent office
KEA Patent
KED Patent (1 number for 2 applics.)
KRA Official gazette of the unexamined patents
KRB1 Patent specification  
KR  Patent specification (not published)  
KRK1 Non-official translation of KR - A document, not issued by patent office
KRK2 Non-official translation of KR - B document, not issued by patent office
KRU Official gazette of the unexamined utility models
KRY1 Utility model specification  
KR  Utility model specification (not published) 
 S Design 
LTA Patent application
LTR3From # 2001 to 2664 inclusiveReregistration of SU patent
LTBDate range from 25-08-1994Patent specification
LUA1 Patent application
LUA7 Additional certificate
LUD Patent applic. (1 number for 2 applics.)
 I2 Supplementary protection certificate 
  From 01-10-1998 onwards 
 A1 Patent  appl. with search report
 A2 Patent appl. without search report
 A7 Additional certificate
 I2 Supplementary protection certificate 
LVA Patent application
LVA3 Reregistered patents (importation ?)
LVA4 Pat. Appl. under agreement LV - USA
LVB Patent publication
LVB4 Patent under agreement LV - USA
MAA1From 01-10-1974 until 31-12-2006Patent of invention
MA  Certificate of invention
MAB1From 01-01-2007 onwardsGranted patent
MCA Patent of invention
 E Certificate of addition
MDAFrom 01-01-1992 until 30-06-2010Published non-examined patent applic
MDA0From 01-07-2010 onwardsPatent application published before 18 months
MDA1From 01-07-2010 onwardsPatent application published with search report
MDA2From 01-07-2010 onwardsPatent application published without search report
MDA3From 01-07-2010 onwardsSeparately published search report
MDA8From 01-02-2006 onwardsModified first page 
MDA9From 01-02-2006 onwardsModified complete specification
MDB1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Published examined patent application without A publication
MDB1From 01-07-2010 onwardsGranted patent
MDB2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Published examined patent application preceeded by A publication
MDB2From 01-07-2010 onwardsGranted patent amended after opposition or appeal
MDB8From 01-02-2006 onwardsCorrected first page granted patent
MDB9From 01-02-2006 onwardsCorrected complete granted patent
MDC1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Patent specification not preceeded by B1 or B2
MDC1From 01-07-2010 onwardsIssued patent
MDC2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Patent specification preceeded by B1 or B2
MDC2From 01-07-2010 onwardsIssued patent amended after opposition or appeal
MDC3From 01-07-2010 onwardsIssued patent amended after limitation or revocation
MDC8From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected first page patent specification
MDC8From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected first page issued patent
MDC9From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected complete patent specification
MDC9From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected complete issued patent
MDF1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, not preceeded 
MD  by A publication
MDF2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Notice of grant of an unexamined patent under the applicant's responsibility, preceeded by A publication
MDG1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Unexamined patent specification granted under the applicant's reponsibility, not preceeded
MD  by F1 or F2 publication
MDG2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Unexamined patent specification granted under the applicant's reponsibility, preceeded by F1
MD  or F2 publication
MDG8From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Corrected first page G1 or G2
MDG9From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Corrected complete G1 or G2
MDMFrom 01-07-2010 onwardsSupplementary protection certificate
MDUFrom 01-01-1992 until 30-06-2010Unexamined application for utility model
MDU0From 01-07-2010 onwardsShort-term patent application
MDU8From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected first page utility model application
MDU9From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected complete utility model application
MDYFrom 04-10-2008 onwardsGranted short-term patent of invention
MDY1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Published examined utility model application, not preceeded by U publication
MDY2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Published examined utility model application, preceeded by U publication
MDY8From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Corrected first page examined utility model application
MDY9From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Corrected complete examined utility model application
MDY3From 01-07-2010 onwardsGranted short-term patent amended after opposition or appeal
MDY8From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected first page granted short-term patent of invention
MDY9From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected complete granted short-term patent of invention
MDZFrom 04-10-2008 onwardsIssued short-term patent for invention
MDZ1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Registered utlitliy model not preceeded by Y1 or Y2
MDZ2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Registered utility model preceeded by Y1 or Y2
MDZ3From 01-07-2010 onwardsShort-term patent of invention, issued after amendment following opposition or appeal
MDZ4From 01-07-2010 onwardsShort-term patent of invention issued after amendment following limitation or revocation
MDZ5From 01-07-2010 onwardsExtended short-term patent of invention
MDZ6From 01-07-2010 onwardsExtended short-term patent of invention, amended after extension procedure
MDZ8From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected first page of issued or extended short-term patent of invention
MDZ9From 01-07-2010 onwardsCorrected complete issued or extended short-term patent of invention
MDW1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, not
MD  preceeded by U publication
MDW2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Notice of registration of an unexamined utility model under the applicant's reponsiblity, 
MD  preceeded by U publication
MDW8From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected first page W1 or W2
MDW9From 01-02-2006 until 30-06-2010Corrected complete W1 or W2
MDI1From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Unexamined utility model specification, registered under the applicant's responsibility, not 
MD  preceeded by W1 or W2 publication
MDI2From 01-01-1994 until 30-06-2010Unexamined utility model specification, registered under the applicant's responsibility, 
MD  preceeded by W1 or W2 publication
MDEFrom 01-01-1998 onwardsPublished unexamined plant variety patent application 
MDF3From 01-01-1998 onwardsPublished examined plant variety patent application 
MDPFrom 01-01-1998 onwardsPlant variety patent 
MEAFrom 10-02-2010 onwardsPatent application
MEBFrom 10-06-2010 onwardsGranted patent
MESFrom 02-10-2011 onwardsDesign application
MES1From 02-10-2011 onwardsRegistered design
MNA1 Patent 
MNA7 Patent of addition
MNA6 Inventor's certificate
 A8 Inventor's certificate of addition
MTA Patent application
MWA1 Patent application
 E Application for a patent of addition
MXAFrom 1976 onwardsPatent of invention
MXE Certificate of invention
MXR Patent of improvement
MX New law of 1991 
MXA Patent application
MXU Registered utility model
 B Granted patent/ granted utility model
MYAUntil 30-09-1986UK patents registered
 AFrom 01-10-1986 onwards Laid open application for patent of invention / utilty model
 AFrom 01-09-1990 onwardsGranted patent / Utility model
NIAFrom 01-01-1899 onwardsPatent of invention
NIUFrom 19-09-2000 onwardsUtility model
NIS Industrial design
NLA Patent application laid open
NLB Published patent application
NLC Patent
NL Law 1995 from # 1000001 onwards 
NLA1 Registered specification laid open
NLC1 Patent without search report - 6 year
NLC2 Patent with search report - 20 year
NLC8 Modified first page
NLC9 Modified patent
NLI1 Suppl. protection certificate application
NLI2 Granted suppl. protection certificate
NL From 20-02-2010 onwards 
NLA Patent application
NLA8 Modified first page patent application
NLA9 Modified patent application
NLC Patent
NLC8 Modified first page granted patent
NLC9 Modified patent
NLI1 Suppl. protection certificate application
NLI2 Granted suppl. protection certificate
NLK1 Non-official translation of NL - A document, not issued by patent office
NLK2 Non-official translation of NL - B document, not issued by patent office
NLK3 Non-official translation of NL - C document, not issued by patent office
NOA Patent application made available to the public
NOD0 Patent application filed
NOBFrom # 115001 to 300000Document laid open for public inspection
NOB1From # 300001 onwardsGranted patents
NOB2From # 300001 onwardsGranted after opposition
NOB3From # 300001 onwardsGranted with admin. limitation
NOCFrom # 2841 to 113574Granted patent 
NOCFrom # 115001 to 300000Patent
NOL Abstract
NOT1 Translated unexamined application 
NOT2 Translated examined application
NOT3 Translated granted patent 
NOI1 Suppl. protection certificate application
NOI2 Granted suppl. protection certificate
NZD0 Patent application filed
 A Patent application
OAA Patent of invention
 E Additon for patent of invention
PAA1From 24-09-1946 onwardsPatent application
PAA2 Divisional patent application
PAA3 Revalidation patent application
PARFrom 01-01-1996 onwardsSearch report published
PAUFrom 10-05-1996 onwardsUtility model application
PAS Industrial design application
PEA1From 11-02-1939 onwardsPatent application 
PEBFrom 30-01-1939 onwardsGranted patent
PERFrom 11-02-1939 onwardsPatent of improvement
 ZFrom 24-05-1996 onwardsUtility model application
 YFrom 24-01-1984 onwardsGranted utility model
 SFrom 24-05-1996 onwardsIndustrial design application
 S1From 08-05-1968 onwardsGranted industrial design
PHA Patent for invention (first and only publ.)
 U Patent for utility model (first and only publ.)
   Industrial design
PL 1976 until 1979 
PLA5 Spec. of principle inventor's certificate
PLB3 Spec. of patent of addition
PLA6 Spec. of addition to inventor's certificate
PLA1 Application laid open
PLB1 Spec. of principle patent
PL From 1980 onwards 
PLA1 Application
PLA2 Application for provisional patent
PLA3 Application for additional patent
PLA4 Application for additional provisional patent
PLB1 Patent
PLB2 Provisional patent
PLB3 Additional patent
PLB4 Provisional additional patent
PLC1 Patent preceeded by provisional patent
PLC3 Patent prec. by provisional additional patent
PLT1Reserved for future usePolish translations of EP claims
PLT2Reserved for future useCorrected Polish translations of EP claims
PLT3From 01-06-2005 onwardsPolish translation of the European patent
PLT4From 01-12-2006 onwardsCorrected Polish translations of the European patent
PLT5From 01-12-2006 onwardsPolish translation of the European patent after opposition
PLT6From 01-12-2006 onwardsPolish translation of the European patent limited by anamendment requested by applicant
PLU1 Application for utility model
PLU3 Application for additional. utility model
PLY1 Specification for uility model
 Y3 Specification  for addition of utility model
 K1 Non-official translation of PL - A document, not issued by patent office
 K2 Non-official translation of PL - B document, not issued by patent office
 K3 Non-official translation of PL - C document, not issued by patent office
 K4 Non-official translation of PL - U document, not issued by patent office
 K5 Non-official translation of PL - Y document, not issued by patent office
PTAFrom 01-01-1896 onwardsApplication for patent of invention
PTA1From 01-01-1972 until 31-12-1995Application for certificate of addition to a patent of invention
PTBFrom 01-01-1896 onwardsPatent of invention
PTB1From 01-01-1972 until 31-12-1995Certificate of addition to a patent of invention
PTEFrom 01-10-1993 onwardsAvailibilty of national translation of European patent
PTTFrom 1992 onwardsApplication for a utility model
PTUFrom 01-01-1940 until 31-12-1991Application for a utility model
PTUFrom 01-01-1992 onwardsGranted utility model
PTWFrom 01-10-1996 onwardsGranted PCT patent valid in PT
 YFrom 01-01-1940 until 31-12-1991Granted national utility model
 YFrom 01-01-1992 onwardsGranted PCT patent valid in PT as utility model
 YFrom 01-01-1993 onwardsEP patent valid in PT as utility model
PYAFrom 01-01-1920 onwardsPatent of invention
PYR Revalidation patent
PYU Utility model
PYS Industrial design
ROA2Published before 21-1-1992Inventor's certificate
ROA3Published before 21-1-1992Addition to inventor's certificate
ROAFrom 01-01-1906 until 31-12-2006Patent application published without search report
ROA0From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application published 18 months after the filing or priority date
or within 6 months after entering national phase
RO  Description of an invention
ROA1From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application published with search report
ROA2From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application published without search report
ROA3From 01-01-2007 onwardsSeparately published search report
ROA4From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application published within 3 months after the secrecy status
of the information contained therein ceased
RO  Complementary description of an invention
ROA8From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application with corrections in the front page of the document
ROA9From 01-01-2007 onwardsPatent application with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings
ROBFrom 01-01-1906 until  31-10-2009Patent specification
ROB1From 21-01-1992 onwards Patent
ROB2 Patent in the amended form subsequently to the revocation procedure
ROB8From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent with corrections in the front page of the document
ROB9From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings,
where the document was partly or fully reprinted
ROCFrom 01-01-1906 until 20-01-1992Granted patent after revocation (second publ.)
ROC1From 21-01-1992 until 31-12-2003Granted patent after revocation (first publ.)
ROC2From 21-01-1992 until 31-12-2003Granted patent after revocation (second publ.)
ROC3From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent issued subsequently to the partial cancellation procedure
based on the decision of Law Court of Bucharest
ROC4From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure
as a result of an action at law relating to the right to the patent
ROC8From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure
with corrections in the front page of the document
ROC9From 01-01-2004 onwardsPatent issued subsequently to the cancellation procedure
with corrections in the description,
claims and / or drawings where the document was partly or fully reprinted
ROI1From 01-01-2007 onwardsApplication for supplementary protection certificate for medicaments
and plant protection products
ROI2From 01-01-2007 onwardsSupplementary protection certificate for medicaments and plant protection products
ROTFrom 01-01-1998 onwardsPipeline protection certificate
ROT1From 01-01-2003 onwardsTranslation of the claims of the European patent application
ROT2From 01-01-2003 onwardsTranslation of the European patent specification
ROT3From 01-01-2003 onwardsTranslation of the European patent specification in the form amended
subsequently to an opposition procedure
ROT8From 01-01-2003 onwardsReprinted front page of a published European patent application or
of a published European patent as a consequence of some corrections thereof
ROT9From 01-01-2003 onwardsTranslation containing the corrections of a published European patent document
ROU1From 01-01-2009 onwardsUtility model certificate published together with the search report
ROU2From 01-01-2009 onwardsUtility model certificate published without the search report
ROU3From 01-01-2009 onwardsSearch report published subsequently to the utility model
ROU4From 01-01-2009 onwardsSearch report published separately for modified claims (requested by third parties)
ROU8From 01-01-2009 onwardsUtility model with corrected first page
ROU9From 01-01-2009 onwardsUtility model with corrections in the description, claims and / or drawings
where the document was partly or fully reprinted
ROYFrom 01-01-2009 onwardsSearch report drawn up upon request by third parties, for the amended claims of the utility model
ROZFrom 01-01-2009 onwardsUtility model with amended claims resulting from a cancellation procedure
ROK1 Non-official translation of RO - A document, not issued by patent office
ROK2 Non-official translation of RO - B document, not issued by patent office
ROK3 Non-official translation of RO - C document, not issued by patent office
ROK4 Non-official translation of RO - U document, not issued by patent office
ROK5 Non-official translation of RO - Y document, not issued by patent office
ROK9 Non-official translation of RO - Z document, not issued by patent office
RSAFrom 26-09-2006 until 31-12-2011Laid open patent application
RSBFrom 26-09-2006 onwardsPatent Specification
RSUFrom 26-09-2006 onwardsPetty patent
RSA1From 01-01-2012 onwardsPatent application published with search report
RSA2From 01-01-2012 onwardsPatent application published without search report
RSA3From 01-01-2012 onwardsSeparately published search report
RU Under # 2000000 
RUC Patent
RU From # 2000001 onwards 
RUC1 Patent for invention
RUC2 Patent for invention ( second publication)
RU Published from 14-10-1992 
RUA Application for invention
RUS Design patent
 U1 Certificate for utility model
 A8Published from 2005 onwardsModified first page application for invention
 A9 Reprinted application for invention
 U8 Modified first page utility model
 U9 Reprinted utility model
 C8 Modified first page granted patent
 C9 Reprinted granted patent
 K1 Non-official translation of RU - A document, not issued by patent office
 K3 Non-official translation of RU - C document, not issued by patent office
 K4 Non-official translation of RU - U document, not issued by patent office
 K6 Non-official translation of RU - S document, not issued by patent office
SE Old law 
SEC1From # 1 to 227869Patent specification (first level)
SEAUntil 31-12-2010Patent application made available to the public
SED0 Patent application filed
SELUntil 06-04-2010Abstract available to the public
SEL1From 01-01-2000 onwardsAmendment of L, published amendment
SEA0From 13-03-2010 onwardsPatent application made available to the public
SEA1From 13-03-2010 onwardsPatent application
SEA2From 13-03-2010 onwardsCorrected patent application
SEBFrom # 300001 to # 480000Document laid open for public inspection
SEB5From # 300001 to # 480000Corrected document laid open for public inspection
SECFrom # 300001 to # 480000Patent specification
SEC5From # 300001 to # 480000Patent specification, corrected document republished
SEC2From # 500001 onwardsPatent specification
SEC3From # 500001 onwardsPatent specification, corrected document republished
SEC8From # 500001 onwardsCorrected first page of patent specification
SEEFrom # 500001 onwardsAmended patent specification ( publication of revised claims after objection)
SEE1From # 500001 onwardsAmended patent specification (amendment of E, amended document republished)
SEE5From # 500001 onwardsLimited patent specification ( amendment of C2 or E, republished with revised claims after objection)
SEE5From 01-01-2007 until 31-12-2011Limited patent specification ( amendment of T3, republished with revised claims after limitation of patent)
SEE8From # 500001 onwardsLimited patent specification, corrected first page republished
SEE9From # 500001 onwardsCorrected limited patent specification republished
SEK1 Non-official translation of SE - A document, not issued by patent office
SEK2 Non-official translation of SE - B document, not issued by patent office
SEK3 Non-official translation of SE - C document, not issued by patent office
SEK9 Non-official translation of SE - E document, not issued by patent office
SET1 Translation of claims of an European patent application
SET2 Translation of revised claims of an European patent application
SET3 Translation of an European patent specification
SET4 Translation of a revised European patent specification
SET5 Corrected translation of an amended European patent specification
SET6From 01-01-2007 onwardsTranslation of a limited European patent specification( republished with revised claims after limitation of patent)
SET8 Corrected first page of European patent specification( republished amendment of T3)
SET9 Corrected translation of an European patent specification republished
 G UK patents registered
 A1 Patent Application
 A2From 23-02-1995 onwardsTransitional patent application
SIA Patent
SIA1 Patent of addition
 A2 Short term patent
 A8 Conversion patent
 B Amended claims
 AFrom 20001 onwardsPatent
 A1From 20001 onwardsPatent of addition
 A2From 20001 onwardsShort term patent
 A8From 20001 onwardsConversion patent
 L Published abstract
 T1 Translation of EP claims
 T2 Translation of amended claims
SKA3From 01-01-1993 onwardsApplication published
SKB6From 01-01-1993 onwardsPatent
SKUFrom 01-01-1993 until 31-12-2007Registered utility model
SKU1From 01-01-2008 onwardsPublished utility model application
SKY1From 01-01-2008 onwardsRegistered utility model unamended
SKY2From 01-01-2008 onwardsRegistered utility model changed
SKK1 Non-official translation of SK - A document, not issued by patent office
SKK2 Non-official translation of SK - B document, not issued by patent office
SKK4 Non-official translation of SK - U document, not issued by patent office
SKK5 Non-official translation of SK - Y document, not issued by patent office
SM From 01-01-2000 onwards 
SMA Publication of application / publication of application for PCT transfers
SMB Granted patent / Granted patent for PCT / EP transfers
SMS Application of design / model ( first publication)
SMS1 Granted design / model (second publication)
SMS2 Application of design / model, (multiple application) ( first publication)
SMS3 Granted design / model, (multiple application ), ( second publication)
SMS4 Revalidation design / model
SUT Translated document
SU Published before 1981 
SUA3 Description of the invention for a patent
SUA4 Description of the invention for a patent of addition
SUA1 Description of the invention for an inventor's certificate
SUA2 Description of the inv. for an inventor's certificate of add.
SU Published from 1981 
SUA1 Description of the invention for an inventor's certificate
SUA2 Description of the inv. for an inventor's certificate of add.
SUA3 Description of the invention for a patent
 A4 Description of the invention for a patent of addition
 C Patents replacing inventor's certificate
 K1 Non-official translation of SU - A document, not issued by patent office
 K3 Non-official translation of SU - C document, not issued by patent office
SVAFrom 01-01-1915 onwardsPatent application
SVU Utility model application
SVS Industrial design
THA Patent application
THS Industrial design application
THU Utility model application
TJAFrom 01-01-1996 onwardsPatent application
TJR3Until 31-12-1994Reregistration of SU patent
TJBFrom 16-07-1996 onwardsGranted patent (Second level)
TJCFrom 16-07-1996 onwardsGranted patent ( Third level)
TJUFrom 01-01-1996 onwardsUtility model
TJY3From 01-02-2004 onwardsPetty patent
TNA1 Application for a patent of invention
TNA7 Application for a certificate of addition
TNB1 Patent of invention
 B7 Certificate of addition
TRA Specification of invention for a patent
TR From 1995 onwards 
TRA1 Patent application with search report
TRA2 Patent application without search report
TRA3 Search report
TRB Granted patent
TRT1 Translation of WO with search report
TRT2 Transl. of WO without search report
TRT3 Transl. EP claims
TRT4 Transl. EP B documents
TRU Utility model
TRU1 Utility model application PCT route phase 1
TRU2 Utility model application PCT route phase 2
TRY Granted utility model
TRK1 Non-official translation of TR - A document, not issued by patent office
TRK2 Non-official translation of TR - B document, not issued by patent office
TRK4 Non-official translation of TR - U document, not issued by patent office
TRK5 Non-official translation of TR - Y document, not issued by patent office
TTB Granted patent
TTY Utility certificate
TWAFrom 01-05-2003 onwardsLaid open application for patent or patent of addition
TWBFrom 01-01-1950 onwardsGranted patent or patent of addition
TWSFrom 01-01-1950 onwardsRegistered industrial design
TWUFrom 01-01-1950 onwardsRegistered utility model or utility model of addition
TWYFrom 01-01-1950 onwardsRegistered utility model or utility model of addition
TWK1From 01-05-2003 onwardsNon-official translation of TW - A document, not issued by patent office
TWK2From 01-01-1950 onwardsNon-official translation of TW - B document, not issued by patent office
TWK4From 01-01-1950 onwardsNon-official translation of TW - U document, not issued by patent office
TWK6From 01-01-1950 onwardsNon-official translation of TW - S document, not issued by patent office
UAA1 Patent granted after re-reg. of USSR inv. cert.
UAA Declarative patent spec. for invention
UAC1 Patent granted upon pos. decision of USSR
UAC2 Patent granted upon the USSR appl.,for which
UA  no pos. dec. made;grant. upon basis of
UA  national application
UAU Declarative / patent spec. for utility model
US From begin until end 2000 
 A Patent
 I5publicationDate 28-01-1975Patent applic. publ. within the TVPP
   B with six numerals for Bacon
 AA2 not used in INP FILPatent issued after first publication within the TVPP
 I5publicationDate not 28-01-1975Patent applic publ. within the TVPP
   B with six numerals for Bacon
 B1 Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam.
 B2 Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam.
 B3 Reexam. certif., n-nd reexam.
   B with seven numerals for Bacon
 E Reissue
   RE with five numerals for Bacon
 E Design reissue
   RD with five numerals for Bacon
 E Plant reissue
   RP with five numerals for Bacon
 F1 Reexam. cert  reissue n-nd reexam.
 F2 Reexam. cert  reissue n-nd reexam.
 F3 Reexam. cert  reissue n-nd reexam.
   BRE with five numerals for Bacon
 I4 Defensive publication
    T with six numerals for Bacon
 H Statutory invention registration (SIR)
   H with seven numerals for Bacon
 H Statutory invention registration for design
   HD with six numerals for Bacon
 H Statutory invention registration for plant patent
   HP with six numerals for Bacon
 PFrom # 1 to 11727Plant patents
   PP with five numerals for Bacon
 S Design patent
   D with six  numerals for Bacon
 I1 Patent Pre-1836
   X with six numerals for Bacon
 I2 Reissue Pre-1836
   RX with five numerals for Bacon
 I3 Add. improvement (1838-1868)
   AI with five numerals for Bacon
   Certificate of Correction etc.
  From 2001 onwards 
 A1 First published patent application
 A2 Republished patent application
 A9 Corrected patent application
 B1 Granted patent as first publication
 B2 Granted patent as second publication
 B8 Corrected front page granted patent
 B9 Corrected complete granted patent
 C1 Reexamination
 C2 Reexamination
 C3 Reexamination
 C4 Reexamination
 C5 Reexamination
 C6 Reexamination
 C7 Reexamination
 C8 Reexamination
 C9 Reexamination
 E1 Reissue
 F1 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F2 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F3 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F4 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F5 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F6 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F7 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F8 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 F9 Reexam. cert  Reissue n-nd reexam.
 H1 Statutory invention registration (SIR)
 P1From # 2001000000 onwardsFirst published plant patent application
 P2From # 11728 onwardsFirst published granted plant patent
 P3 Second publ. granted plant patent
 P4 Republished plant patent application
 P9 Corrected plant patent application
 S1 Design patent
UYA1From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009Patent application (First publication level)
UYA2From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009Divisional application (First publication level)
UYA3From 03-12-1941 until 30-09-2009Revalidation application (First publication level)
UYAFrom 01-10-2009 onwardsPatent application
UYK1From 03-12-1941 onwardsNon-official translation of UY - A document, not issued by patent office
UYK4From 26-07-1976 onwardsNon-official translation of UY - U document, not issued by patent office
UYK7From 26-07-1976 onwardsNon-official translation of UY - Q document, not issued by patent office
UYUFrom 26-07-1976 onwardsUtility model application
UYQFrom 26-07-1976 onwardsIndustrial design application
VE  Patent application
VE  Patent specification
VNA1 Patent
VNA7 Patent of addition
VNA6 Inventor's certificate
VNA8 Inventor's certificate of addition
VNBFrom 1984 onwardsGranted patent
 U Utility model
 Y Granted utility model
WOA1 International application published with international search report
WOA2 International application published without international search report
WOA2From 01-01-2009 onwardsInternational application published with declaration under Article 17 (2) (a)
WOA3 Later publication of ISR with revised front page
WOA4From 01-01-2009 onwardsLater publication of amended claims and / or statement (Article 19) 
WO  revised front page
WOB1 Amended claims
WOB1 Amended claims
WOA8 Modified first page
WOA8 Modified first page
WOA8From 01-01-2009 onwardsInternational application republished with corrections to front page 
WO  bibliographic data
WOA9 Complete corrected document
WOA9 Complete corrected document
WOA9From 01-01-2009 onwardsInternational application or ISR republished with corrections, alterations
WO  or supplements 
WOK1 Non-official translation of WO - A document, not issued by patent office
YUAFrom 1921 until 09-07-2004Patent application (first level)
YUAFrom 01-02-1951 until 30-09-56 Application for Inventor's certificate
YUBFrom 1921 until 09-07-2004Patent specification ( second level )
YUUFrom 08-01-1997 until 09-07-2004Petty patent
YUAStarting 10-07-2004Publication of patent application
YUB Registered patent
YUU Petty patent
ZAA Patent specification
 D Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.)
ZMA1 Patent application
ZMD Patent spec. (1 number for 2 appl.)
 E Application for a patent of addition
ZWA1 Patent of invention 
ZWE Patent of addition