How to Search for a Design Patent in PatSeer? / Is it possible to look for Design patents in PatSeer?
Design patents can be searched in PatSeer using the following steps:
Quick Search Form:
a. In this form select the field code for Record Type

b. After selecting the record type field code click on the space bar in the search box and then it will show you a list of the patent type that you are looking for as shown in the snapshot below:

c. From the list, you can select the design and then further combine it with various keywords using different field codes and run your query.
Commandline Search Form
Using the field code PTYP and further combining it with some keywords, you can search for design patents or applications. Also, you can enter a publication country to see the number of design patents published in that particular country:

Using the Locarno Classification:
In the Quick Search form or the Command line Search form you can use the Locarno classification to search for design patents.