Matrix is a multi-dimensional analysis tool that makes it easy for one to quickly combine any 2 patent bibliographic fields or a custom field and understand hidden relationships. You can launch multiple matrices at the same time and easily convert any matrix into a heatmap, chart or export to a CSV file.
A generated matrix has multiple options to sort, hide, filter rows and columns similar to an Excel spreadsheet.
Viewing a relationship in the matrix
The matrix is not just a static output and you can work with the matrix further to refine and slice through the data. To explain, let’s take some examples of how you can work with the generated matrix.
Example 1. Say if the question to be answered is:
Which are the IPCs in which top 20 current assignees have focus area. The steps for this are:
Select matrix, it launches a window wherein you have to select a row vs column.
Select current assignee from row dropdown menu and IPC main from column dropdown menu and click on generate matrix
The values that you see in the generated matrix are the number of records present for that particular assignee and the IPC from your project.
Working with a generated matrix
Once the matrix is generated, you can even restrict the same to top 20 assignees. This can be done by performing mouse right click action

You can also specifically filter any assignee name, you can do it by clicking row header name. If you want to remove some assignees, you can uncheck the assignee name and click OK.

Example 2. If you want to generate matrix for different segments of your defined taxonomies (Categories)
It’s easy to analyze any level of your defined categories using matrix. To generate a matrix for same, you can select Categories from the dropdown menu.

You can chose to select Top Level or Sub Level of the category and click Generate Matrix to generate the matrix.
Viewing the data (records) behind the numbers in the matrix
Further, you can view the record details on performing a mouse right click on the data value. This will open a window on the right side and by default, you will see only first 5 records. You can click on View All to view details of all those records. This will open a new tab in which you can view the details of all the records in a well formatted detailed record view.
You can also visualize the data clicking on dashboard. The dashboard allows you to quickly view priority country coverage map, filing trend, top companies, top inventors and current legal status.
By default, within a matrix you will see count of records present for the respective row and column value. You can change the format of data values from the dropdown to
- Mapping (represented as X) will show which are the assignee IPC combinations in which there are records present
- Count as Fraction of Rows (represented as percentage) is useful if you are wanting to see the concentration of records
- Count as Fraction of Columns (represented as percentage)
- Row names displays the row name
- Column names displays the column name
You can also use the toggle button to toggle the rows and columns. The generated matrix can even be exported to CSV or downloaded as PNG/JPG.
Restrict data within matrix to a particular patent field
Let’s take an example. If you want to analyze data with respect to only Patent Applications from within a matrix.
You can generate a matrix for the fields which you want to analyze. Then select Application as Record Type and click on apply filter. The generated matrix is recalculated only within the application information.
Generating Charts and Heatmap from the Matrix
You can generate visualization for the generated matrix. You can select an appropriate form of visualization from the dropdown menu. You can convert the matrix to a table bar chart in which you will see a bar along with the numbers; table bubble chart or even a heatmap. The heatmap is calculated on the overall data present in the matrix. Just like Count as Fraction of Rows, row wise heatmap will be represented by the shading decided on the basis of values in the row and column wise heatmap.
Similarly, you can convert the matrix to any of the standard charts such as line/ bar/column/area or even a radar chart.

Treemap in Matrix
The assignees are considered as group heads and within each assignee, the theme names and their respective counts are present. You can bring the assignee in foreground by doing double click mouse action and using the right click of mouse, you can zoom out the map.

Matrix Analysis on Search Results
The matrix can now directly be generated on search results and you no longer need to add the records to a project to undertake some quick multi-dimensional analysis. The tab can be seen next to the Quick Stats tab within the search results section. Within the Matrix tab, you can select any one of the fields from the Select Row/Select Column drop down and then click ‘Generate Matrix’ to generate the table. Once the matrix is generated you can convert the matrix to a particular chart from the option available (as shown below).

Exporting matrix or charts
The generated matrix/heatmap can even be exported to CSV or downloaded as PNG/JPG using the available options.

If you have plotted the matrix of any classifications (CPC, IPC, UC) then in the CSV download option, you will be able to see the classification codes and their detailed description.

Charts can be downloaded as JPG/PNG. They can also be assigned title/ color or you can even increase the font size of the labels using the different options available within Chart settings.