Categories View Window and Adding Records To It
Get a quick overview of all categories on the result page itself by clicking on “View” tab. This will load all the created categories in a resizable window. Here, it will also show you the categories in which the respective record is present. So, as you can see in the image below the number EP32728230A1 is present in the category Insulin Resistance.

Add records to a particular category by just clicking on the “Add” tab on the results page and then selecting a required category to add records to it.

You can also use the categories that you have created as filters. Here, your dataset can be filtered based on the categories to view the records that are present in that particular category. Uncategorized records in your dataset can also be filtered. You can also create new categories and also export or import the categories.

Adding User-defined categories to Dashlets in a project
The categories that you have created can also be added to the dashlets you have made in your project.

When you view the Dashlet, it will be represented as below: