Generating a Quality vs Quantity landscape for Top Players

The chart shows the top companies (sorted by Portfolio Value Index) against their Portfolio Quality and Size. The bubble size for each company is their Portfolio Value Index. 

The chart helps organize the key companies into 4 Quadrants - Challengers (top-left), leaders (top-right), Marginal Players (bottom-left) and Under Achievers (bottom-right). 


From the above chart it can be observed that Deere & Co and Amazonen Werke H Dreyer GMBH & Co KG are placed in the right top quadrant as they have a promising patent portfolio quality and size.  

 Steps to generate the Visualization 

  • Enter your search criteria and click on Search to view the Search Results 
  • Click on Quick Stats tab to view different charting options 
  • From the ‘Parties tab’ select the option of ‘Quality vs Quantity –Top Assignees’ 
  • Click on download to save the chart