Creating a Subproject

Subprojects are subfolders that can be created within your main project. A single record could be present in more than one subproject.  The advantage of subprojects is it helps to sort the patent dataset within your main project whilst keeping the metadata (project fields, custom fields) the same across the main project and its consequent subprojects.

Now you can create multiple subprojects within your main project. The subprojects can be accessed from the Project management page within the Main project.  Here, you will be provided with the names of all the subprojects that you have created as tiles. Click on any of the subprojects to access it. 

Following are the different ways in which you can create a sub-project:

From the dropdown option inside the main project: 

  1. Click on the main project name from the Project section.  
  2. PatSeer page will then be redirected to the project management page, click on the Open Project option. 
  3. Click on the dropdown option (highlighted in the below snapshot)

  4. Click on the +subproject to create a new subproject.

Note: You can either select the records that are to be added to the subproject or create an empty subproject and then add records accordingly. 

From the Project management page: 

  1. Click on the main project name from the Project section.  
  2. PatSeer page will then be redirected to the project management page for that particular project, on the right-hand side you will be provided with the option of creating a new subproject. 
  3. Click on the +New Subproject button.                          

4. Enter the name of the subproject.    

Note: Adding a description, and setting the due date is optional. 

To view the summary of the Subprojects, click on the name of the subproject or under the main project on mouse-over of the names of the subprojects it will give you an option to view the summary.

Renaming Sub projects

Now you can also rename the subprojects to the names of your choice.


  1. Custom fields cannot be created within the subproject, however, if custom fields are present in your main project, then they will be reflected within the subproject. 
  2. The category schema created for the main project will also be reflected in the subproject. And you can also create new categories within your subproject which will vice-versa get reflected in your main project.  
  3. The data added to the custom fields or categories will remain the same across main projects and all its subprojects. Like-wise if the data is changed/edited, the changes will reflect across the main project and all its subprojects for the same set of records. 
  4. If a set of records or a single record have been deleted from the subproject, then that record or the set of records will still appear in the main project. However, if you delete a record from the main project, then that record will also get deleted from the subprojects. 
  5. You can easily import data (journals/ patent documents) within a subproject which will also be reflected within the main project.