Term Translator

As PatSeer includes, searchable content in multiple languages you may be interested to lookup the equivalent of your search term in a different language and include it in your query. 

A search in TAC searches the English Title, Abstract and Claims only, so by getting the translated terms you can search in TAC$ which will search across the Title, Abstract, Claims in all 9 languages including non-Latin languages. For example your query can look like:

TAC$:(induction or asynchronous or induktion or asynchronen or subsynchronous) w3 (generador or alternador or 产 生器 or ジェネレ ー タ or Jenerēta or generator or Erzeuger or Lichtmaschine* or générateur or hatsudenki OR 発 電機 OR 発 生器 or machine or alternator or dynamo or dinamo or maschinen or generatoren or asynchronmaschine* or asynchrongenerator)

The Term Translator is a handy tool to lookup the translation of your search terms in other languages from within the PatSeer application itself.

Search term translator tool is available on the search (quick search, command line search and non-Latin search) form itself as icon  

above the fields. 

To use the Term Translator, enter the text you want to translate, select the language of the search term and the language that it is to be translated to and click on Translate button.