Auto-Update Published Applications To Grants
If you are working within a project and would like to focus on granted records as much as possible, then you can update the application numbers to their granted records (if available). This can be done by selecting Auto-update Records option with Edit tab present on results page.

The Auto-Update also allows you to select the family type, preferred record and preferred country code of the family member that you want to replace the existing record with, shown in the image below:
When you select auto-update option, the system will check for respective granted records in background and you will be able to see only the granted records where the respective application is granted. Also, it will retain all custom fields and other meta-data assigned to the application number.
When you refresh your project, you will see all the application numbers for which corresponding grants are available are shown in results view.
As can be seen below, the application number has been updated to its corresponding granted record and all metadata such as flag/rating/comments and categories associated with the earlier application are migrated to the grant.
You can also download the list of updated application numbers within Project Files section.