Using AI Classifier and all the necessary settings of a previous project to a New project

It is possible to run the AI Classifier on a new project with the same category schema of a previous project. 


  • Open a project on which AI Classifier hasn’t enabled. And open the AI classifier option. 
  • Under the “Do you want to” option, select “Use existing training model from another project option.
  • From the dropdown option, select the Project from which you want to copy the training data.
  • Under the “Filter Categories from the model”, there will be two options to chose from, 

1. The first option, “No, make predictions from all Categories present in the model”, this option will make the predictions for the records within the new project based on all the categories present in the project that you have selected earlier. 

2. The second option, “Yes, use selected Categories only”, this option will open another dropdown option from which you can make a selection of the categories on which you want to run the AI Classifier on the current project.

  • The next is to select AI Classifier mode, followed by that the prediction cut-off threshold and enable the AI Classifier. 

This option helps you to use a Categorization schema that is already present with you to be applied to a new project.