Results Page

When you click on the Search button from any of the search forms, a results page will be displayed, showing the records based on your search terms.

You can view the records in different formats as well as refine your search by sorting records. 

Types of Views

There are many different types of views. These are described in the table below:

Types of views


Drawings only

  1. Displays designs or drawings with design patent number. Additionally, the total number of drawings present in the patents is displayed, and navigation through the images can be done using up & down arrows to move to the next or previous image.
  2. This view will show 50 records per page and the size of the images can be increased or decreased using Resize results option present beside the share option.
  3. Clicking on the ‘i’ symbol present on top right corner of each design patent the basic information like Priority date, National class, Registration date etc. can be seen
  4. Hovering over a design number will display links to the record, mosaic view, and the option to add the design to a project.
  5. The Image search and Design similarity search also shows the AI Score for each patent (applicable to AI Search only)

Standard View

  1. Displays the records in standard form with Patent number, Title, Coverage, APD (Application Date), PRD (Priority Date), EED (Estimated Expiry Date), ISD (Registration Date), ASNO (Assignee Original), ASNN (Assignee Normalized), PASN (Parent Corporate Owner ), INV (Inventor), PRN (Priority Number), LOC (Locarno Class) and (Register Status)
  2. The first image of the patent will be displayed, and the arrows can be used to browse through the additional images. On the right corner, links to Drawings and Family viewer are present.

Drawings View

  1. Displays all the designs included in the record, providing a comprehensive overview of each design element. This view allows for easy navigation and review of every design associated with the record.
  2. It also displays the Title, AI Score, PRD (Priority Date), ISD (Registration Date), EED (Estimated Expiry Date), ASNN (Assignee Normalized), LOC (Locarno Class) and the links to Drawing and Family Viewer.

Within Drawings and Standard view, you can set how many records you want to see per page. There are also different sorting options. These are:

Sorting option


Registration Date Descending

Displays the records in the descending order of the registration date

Registration Date Ascending

Displays the records in the ascending order of the registration date

Earliest Priority Date Descending

Displays the records in the descending order of the earliest priority date

Earliest Priority Date Ascending

Displays the records in the ascending order of the earliest priority date

Relevance Descending

Displays the records in the descending order of priority

Document No. Descending

Displays the records in the descending order of the document number

Document No. Ascending

Displays the records in the descending order of the document number

Assignee Descending

Displays the records in the descending order of the Assignees

Assignee Ascending

Displays the records in the Ascending order of the Assignees

Search Result Filters

PatSeer integrated the search results with a set of filters that allows the user to narrow down with ease. The Integrated filters is one of the most powerful features of the platform.

When viewing the results, you will see the filters arranged by Field names on the left. Clicking on any of the field names will expand the filter and show field values sorted by descending order against your search query. 

Usually, the Top 50 items from the field are shown first and you have a 'More' option present below the scroll bar to load the next 50.