Hit Count Cutoff Query
Say you wanted to search for only those records in which a word or a phrase appears more than X number of time in the field you have specified. The hit cutoff query is exactly for this type of need. The query uses a |# syntax that should be added at the end of a word or a phrase that you want to specify a cutoff for. Here # is the count for cutoff.
For example:
Using Hit Cutoff Query | Explanation |
TAC:(mobile AND network|3) | Search for mobile and network but where network appears 3 or more times within TAC |
D: "mobile phone"|5 | Search for records that have the phrase mobile phone appearing 5 or more time in the description |
TACD: "thermal spray"|5 AND coat*|5 | The phrase “thermal spray” should appear 5 or more times and coat/coats/coating/coated should appear 5 or more times. (the sum of all variations is counted here) |
NOTE: Hit Count Cutoff query cannot be used along with a proximity or exact match syntax. So TAC:(optic*|2 disk) will fail. TAC:(optic*|2 AND disk) will however work.