Viewing Biblio, Claims and Description
You can view a patent Bibliography in detailed view of a record.
To view Bibliography
- On the Search Results screen, click the patent number to open the spilt view and then click on the Detail View button or click on window icon present beside the record number to open the record in detail view.

- You will see different tabs which allow you view different aspects of a record
- You will see by default Biblio tab is opened
- The Biblio Tab will also contain the AI summary drop down which will help you to understand the Problem being solved, Method used and Advantages of the invention

To View Description
- On the Search Results screen, click the patent number to open the spilt view and then click on the Detail View button or click on window icon present beside the record number to open the record in detail view.
- A single record will be displayed in a new web page.
- Click Full View tab.
This view displays the full text of the record in a single screen. Also, basic record fields like Application Number, Application and Publication Date, Inventors, Assignee Normalized, Current Assignee, IPC, CPC and UC (for US records) are also displayed.

To view Claims, Independent Claims and Claims Tree
- On the Search Results screen, click the patent number to open the spilt view and then click on the Detail View button or click on window icon present beside the record number to open the record in detail view.
- You will see different tabs which allow you view different aspects of a record.
- Click Claims tab to view Claims of a record
- You can view Independent Claims by clicking on Independent Claims tab
- The Summary tab will summarize the claims of the patent

For each claim that is well formatted, a claims tree can also be generated. For this there is a Claims tree tab present in Claims View. Click on the tab to view the Claims Tree for the particular record.
The claims tree will be displayed with following tabs:
- Expand All: Click the tab to expand the claims tree.
- Collapse All: Click the tab to collapse the claims tree.
- Print: Click the tab to print the claims tree.

Translating Claims
A built-in live translation server allows you to translate all Non-English Claims to English. The translated Claims appears in a right pane next to the original claim.
An alternative to the in-built translation engine is the EPO Translation server provided by EPO website. To use this simply click on the EPO Translate icon and select the appropriate language. This will open the translated claim at the EPO website.