Field Codes and their Descriptions
Field Code | Field Name | Syntax Example |
A | Abstract | A:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
APD | Application Date | APD:2007-06-21; APD:2009-12; APD:[2001-01-01 TO 2009-12-31] |
APN | Application No | APN:EP20070824897 |
APNO | Application Number | APNO:553/MUMNP/2009 |
APY | Application Year | APY:2001; APY:[2001 TO 2004] |
ASN | Assignee | ASN:"General Motors" |
ASNN | Normalized Assignee | ASNN:LG ELECTRONICS CO LTD |
ASNO | Assignee Original | ASNO:LG ELECTRONICS INC |
ASNC | Assignee Country | ASNC:(US OR CA) |
ATN | Attorney, Agent or Firm | ATN:"Richardson" |
BCT | Backward Citations | BCT:US6000000 |
C | Claims | C:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
CAAN | Current Assignee + Original and Normalised Assignees | CAAN:IBM |
CASN | Current Assignee | CASN:IBM |
CPC | Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) | CPC:"B23B29/24"; CPC:A01N47* |
CPCG | CPC Main Group | CPCG:B23B29* |
CPSC | CPC Sub Class (First 4 letters) | CPSC:C07C |
D | Description | D:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
DEX | Examples Section at end of Description | DEX:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
DPA | Prior/Background Art Section within Description | DPA:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
DS | Designated States | DS:(BE OR AT OR CH) |
EED | Estimated Expiry Date | EED:2012-01-23; EED:2012-12; EED:[2012-01-01 TO 2015-12-31] |
EEY | Estimated Expiry Year | EEY:2015; EEY:[2013 TO 2014] |
EFAM | Extended Family | EFAM: EP0261739; EFAM: EP0261739B1 |
EFID | PatSeer Extended Family ID | EFID:4423585 |
EPBD | Earliest Publication Date | EPBD:2001-01-23; EPBD:2001-01; EPBD:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31] |
EPBY | Earliest Publication Year | EPBY:2001; EPBY:[2001 TO 2002] |
EPRD | Earliest Priority Date | EPRD:2004-11-21; EPRD:2004-11; EPRD:[2001-01-01 TO 2005-12-31] |
EPRY | Earliest Priority Year | EPRY:2004; EPRY:[1992 TO 2000] |
EXMR | Examiner | EXMR:"John" |
FAMID | PatSeer Simple Family ID | FAMID:27177089 |
FCL | First Claim | FCL:(rechargeable lithium cell and phthalocyanine*) |
FCW | First Claims Word Count | FCW:[10 TO 100] |
FI | Japanese File Index Classification | FI:C08L*; FI:"C08L25/04" |
FTERM | Japanese FTERM | FTERM:4J*; FTERM:4J001*; FTERM:"3C058/AA09" |
FCT | Forward Citations | FCT:US6000000 |
FOS | Field of Search | FOS:"714015" |
IC | International Classification (All versions) | IC:G06F13*; IC:G06F13/00 |
ICGR | International Patent Classification Group | ICGR:B66D3* |
ICO | International Classification (Version 1 to 7) | ICO:G06F13*; ICO:"G06F13/00" |
ICR | International Classification Revised (Version 8 - 9) | ICR:G06F13*; ICR:"G06F13/00" |
ICSC | International Patent Classification (Sub Class) | ICSC:A61K* |
INC | Independent Claims | INC: :((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
INV | Inventor | INV:"CLARK MICHAEL" |
INVC | Inventor Country | INVC:AU |
JFF | Japanese F-I Facets | JFF:LDR |
KC | Kind Code | KC:B* |
LOC | Locarno Classification | LOC: 1216 |
NASNN | Number of normalized Assignee | NASNN:[3 TO 5] |
NCASN | Number of Current Assignee | NCASN:[3 TO 5] |
NCPC | Number of Cooperative Patent Classification | NCPC:[10 TO 15] |
NCPSC | Number of Cooperative Patent Classification (Sub Class) | NCPSC:6 |
NFTERM | Number of Japanese FTERM | NFTERM:50 |
NICR | Number of International Patent Classification Full | NICR:3 |
NICSC | Number of International Patent Classification Main | NICSC:3 |
NINC | Number of Independent Claims | NINC:3 AND TAC: sucrose |
NBCT | Number of Backward Citations | NBCT:2; NBCT:[5 TO 100] |
NINV | Number of Inventors | NINV:2; NINV:[2 TO 10] |
NREF | Number of Non-patent References | NREF:[3 TO 100] |
NUC | Number of US Full Classification | NUC:3 AND PBY:2014 |
PBC | Publication Country | PBC:CA |
PBD | Publication Date | PBD:2011-11-20; PBD:2011-11; PBD:[2003-01-01 TO 2007-12-31] |
PBY | Publication Year | PBY:2011; PBY:[2010 TO 2011] |
PN | Patent No | PN: EP0261739 |
PNC | Patent No with Kind Code | PNC: EP0261739; PNC: EP0261739B1 |
PNKC | Patent No with Kind Code | PNKC:(EP2469552B1 OR US8261433B1) |
PRN | Priority No | PRN:DE200610054043 |
PRD | Priority Date | PRD:2001-03-23; PRD:2001-03; PRD:[2001-01-01 TO NOW] |
PRC | Priority Country | PRC:(WO OR EP) |
PTYP | Record Type (Patent, Application, Utility Model) | PTYP:Patent; PTYP: Application |
RAAN | US Reassignment Assignee + Original and Normalised Assignees | RAAN:IBM |
RASN | All Assignees in US Reassignment History | RASN:("International Business Machines" or IBM) |
REF | References (Non Patent backward citations) | REF:"Physics Today" |
SFAM | Simple Family | SFAM: EP0261739; SFAM: EP0261739B1 |
SIM / SIMOF | Similarity Search
| 50 records in a single query can be searched SIM: CN115806965A SIMOFF: CN115806965A |
T | Title | T:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
TA | Title and Abstract | TA:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
TAC | Title, Abstract and Claims | TAC:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
TACD | Title, Abstract, Claims and Description (Full text) | TACD:((led OR "light emitting diode") AND display) |
UC | US Classification | UC:"713/201"; UC:713* |
UCMN | US Main Class | UC:901* |
LSC | Current Legal Status | TAC:(graphene) AND LSC:(Active-Granted / Applied) |
LSE | Legal Status Events | LSE:"DE 2004" ; LSE:((US OR EP)) wd5 ([20040101 TO 20101231]) |
LSSE | Legal Status - Other Significant Events | LSSE:opposition |
LST | Legal Status Text | LST:hybrid vehicle |
String Search Fields |
The following field codes are for complete string only searches where the input must be an exact match of the searched text. The Search is case sensitive and will also not match portions on names. Wildcards aren’t allowed and only complete names will be matched. Search for text/names with multiple words should be enclosed in double-quote. |
PTYP_S | Record Type (String Format) | PTYP_S:”Patent” PTYP_S:”Design Application” |
ASN_S | Full Assignee name (in Uppercase) | ASN_S:” GOOGLE INC” |
INV_S | Full Inventor name (in Uppercase) | INV_S:”JOHN SMITH” |
Searching in Other Languages | |
T, A, C, D, TA, TAC, TACD | Search in English |
TDE, ADE, CDE, DDE, TADE, TACDE, TACDDE | Search in German |
TFR, AFR, CFR, DFR, TAFR, TACFR, TACDFR | Search in French |
TKR, AKR, CKR, DKR, TAKR, TACKR, TACDKR | Search in Korean |
TJA, AJA, CJA, DJA, TAJA, TACJA, TACDJA | Search in Japanese |
TES, AES, CES, DES, TAES, TACES, TACDES | Search in Spanish |
TZH, AZH, CZH, DZH, TAZH, TACZH, TACDZH | Search in Chinese |
TRU, ARU, CRU, DRU, TARU, TACRU, TACDRU | Search in Russian |
TSV, ASV, CSV, DSV, TASV, TACSV, TACDSV | Search in Swedish |
TPT, APT, CPT, DPT, TAPT, TACPT, TACDPT | Search in Portuguese |
TOH, AOH, COH, DOH, TAOH, TACOH, TACDOH | Search in Other Languages |
T$, A$, C$, D$, TA$, TAC$, TACD$ | Search content in all the above language at the same time |
Similar Records by Classification/Assignee/Inventor Search | ||
The following field codes take a record no. (With or without kind code) and searches for similar records by the field code criterion given. Usually, the field code is ANYXX or ALLXX where XX is the particular field being matched. | ||
ANYIC | Any IC of input patent number | ANYIC: WO2014028879A1 |
ALLIC | All IC of input patent number | ALLIC: WO2014028879 |
ANYICGR | Any IC Group of input patent number | ANYICGR: WO2014028879 |
ALLICGR | All IC Group of input patent number | ALLICGR: WO2014028879A1 |
ANYICSC | Any IC Sub-Class of input patent number | ANYICSC: WO2014028879 |
ALLICSC | All IC Sub-Class of input patent number | ALLICSC: WO2014028879A1 |
ANYUC | Any UC of input patent number | ANYUC: US6667125B2 |
ALLUC | All UC of input patent number | ALLUC: US6667125B2 |
ANYUCMN | Any UC Main Class of input patent number | ANYUCMN: US6667125 |
ALLUCMN | All UC Main Class of input patent number | ALLUCMN: US6667125B2 |
ANYCPC | Any CPC Class of input patent number | ANYCPC: EP2711422 |
ALLCPC | All CPC Class of input patent number | ALLCPC: EP2711422 |
ANYCPCG | Any CPC Group of input patent number | ANYCPCG: WO2014028879A1 |
ALLCPCG | All CPC Group of input patent number | ALLCPCG: WO2014028879 |
ANYCPSC | Any CPC Sub-Class of input patent number | ANYCPSC: WO2014028879 |
ALLCPSC | All CPC Sub-Class of input patent number | ALLCPSC: WO2014028879A1 |
ANYASN | Any Assignee of input patent number | ANYASN: CN203179714U |
ALLASN | All Assignee of input patent number | ALLASN: CN203179714 |
ANYINV | Any Inventor of input patent number | ANYINV: EP2711422 |
ALLINV | All Inventor of input patent number | ALLINV: EP2711422A1 |